Friday, November 29, 2013
Friday, November 22, 2013
Hit Goal In My 2013 NaNoWriMo
Just went over 50,000 words on my NaNo with 4,758 words today. This book will end up being double that when I return to it to continue this zero draft sometime in the future and might just be something I will be working on for years and years to come. That is if I have years and years to come. That is if any of us have years and years to come. Its probably my first epic style story and I'm really happy with what I've written so far and have planned out but now I need to return to other projects. I really didn't think I would finish NaNo this year with all the other projects I'm working on for 2014 release but a idea just entered me and I dived right into it. I'll probably write more on this as Nov. finishes up but I'm relieved a bit that I've hit my goal because of all the other projects and once again NaNo is not only an inspiration for me to write a book during the month but an energy feed to keep me going for months more.
Now I need to get out some fabric paint and update my NaNo shirt.

Now I need to get out some fabric paint and update my NaNo shirt.

Hit Goal In My 2013 NaNoWriMo
Friday, November 8, 2013
Saturday, November 2, 2013
On The Way To The Apple Core
I will try to update my blogger with writing updates but probably will end up not doing it that often this month, too much writing to do. From rewrites to NaNo to drafts for 2014 that I'm working on. But if you want to know if I've gone insane yet check out my Twitter: https://twitter.com/hangofwednesday

On The Way To The Apple Core
Friday, November 1, 2013
Again, I must again
As I dive back into another NaNo here's my favorite quote on it from one of my favorite writers. Courtney Summer"NANOWRIMO NAYSAYERS: I'll work on my book after I finish criticizing Nano. NANO PARTICIPANTS: [working on books]"

Again, I must again
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