NEW!! So new it's actually a day late.
An idea shouted has to be heard to mean something, “Ladies and gentlemen may I have your attention..." Billings Montana is about to become the center of a certain kind of revolution.
Tin Universe Monthly #16 brings you the start of a hero. The story of a symbol and an call that will shape a city with triumph and tragedy.
P.S. Asking this of people today. At the end of the year I'm going to do a volume one collection of all of my Tin Universe stories up to the end of last year but I'm wondering if I should include the middle grade book series stories in these collections? They are in canon but I'm wondering if I should wait and just do a separate volume collection for those when I get enough for a collection. I would value anyones thoughts on this.
Someone is zombifying athletes at Clear Cut High School in Utah. Lucky the school has its own young superhero in the person of Mildred Betbeze to try and figure out what's going on. Pep rallies, cheerleaders, new kids in the neighborhood are just some of things our hero and her sidekick slash best friend Aisha have to deal with in the first book in Tin Universe's new middle grade series.

NEW!! Tin Universe Monthly #16 So new it's actually a day late.