Patience was tired. Patience was falling alseep once again while recording but found time to bore us with his bad poetry, rant a weak rant on politics, read an old blog entry, and review Doctor Bananas #3. Frankly you don't need to even listen to this episode, just go search out Luke Foster's work through @cartoonistluke and buy everything he has to sell, or read.
To sleep a very tired, and sometimes drunk writer dumps out a wasteland of words and thoughts from his brain so he can reboot in the morning. Under The Training Book is a journal style show that more resembles days of Diaryland and daily Blogger updates than a normal podcast with rants on politics, faith, pop culture, and pain, tests of every beep and whistle during a podcasting learning process.
You can find Luke on Twitter: @CartoonistLuke and his Tumblr: and go support his Patreon
You can find Brian on Twitter: @hangofwednesday
For all things Tin Universe:
UNDER THE TRAINING BOOK, Opening Theme: Prelude by reusenoise (c) copyright 2016 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
Closing Theme: Like Music by pheraph (c) copyright 2012 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike (3.0) license.