Just a quick thought
that I expressed on Facebook earlier this week to start things off and see if I
have anything more in length to say about the subject.
I find it interesting
that so many of the writers and editors, some who I respect a great deal, think
Amazon is the core of evil in publishing but don't peep a word when it comes to
big publishers combining or becoming part of a large conglomeration. Seems a
little weak to me.
The whole Amazon is going
to destroy publishing thing has been pissing me since it started. First as I’ve
said many times if the big publishers or big chain bookstores could think
outside their own footsteps they would have created an Amazon before Amazon.
Any situation they may be in is a product of their own shortsightedness.
And it’s kind of
bullshit for people to go after Amazon in defense of the weak, small, helpless
little big publishers. Are you really saying I should feel sorry for them,
really? That’s like saying I should feel sorry for the government when the
fires that been burning for years with them not caring a bit finally reach
their toes.
Anyways, as I’ve also
said before if Amazon is on a course to break the system, then I say let it break
because it’s a system with a very narrow line of sight. Break, crumble, all
fall down, then hopefully be rebuilt better by the people. And if the people once
again allow it to be rebuilt as the same sort of stagnant pile of horseshit
then it will be our own fault there.
Another thought I had
on Facebook that I’d like to maybe explore a little further here.
I like red herrings
in stories, and I'm not just talking about mystery story red herrings. I like
stories that go in dead end directions at times to keep the reader on their
toes thinking or at least play with the reader to keep them sharp.
Maybe it’s just the
writer in me but I lose interest a lot when I can predict the course of things
in a story and it leaves a bad taste in my mind after reading something when I
knew for a long time what was coming.
I can enjoy mindless
simple stories sometimes but for the most part I believe a writer should duel
with the reader, maybe take them to places in thinking they would not have
normally gone.
To update on my
NaNoWriMo book.
Thursday I wrote
6,045 words while watching X-Files all day as a Thanksgiving Day writing sprint.
My NaNoWriMo is currently at 66,047 words and marching on. Hope I can at least
reach 80,000 before the month is over.
I took a break on
Friday to watch Doctor Who related stuff on the 49th Anniversary and
doing more of that today but writing also.
And I’ll end this
short entry with this.
A friend of mine who
is an editor, we were talking about writing and publishing and something got us
talking about writers and their little “Ticks” as she called them.
She said she pictures
writers like Alex from Clockwork Orange in a ludovico apparatus.
I think she was
I think.
"You all are
I was happy she
included me in the "you all" part because she works with some well
known writers, that was until she said, "But remember even within droogs
there are levels of quality."