Saturday we went to Kenndy Space Center. It was my first trip there, Mar has been several times, and it was one of the things I've always wanted to do ever since I moved to Florida. It was free for those who lived in Brevard County and so we couldn't pass up the chance to go. Plus there ant nothing cooler than space. No, not the
british tv show though it is so cool. We are talking
THE SPACE ladies and gentleman and all creatures of great shapes, sizes, and smiles. What follows are a ton of pictures we took on the trip. Hope you enjoy the pictures and if you get a chance go to K.S.C., it is really worth the money and time. I'm not a space geek but I really enjoyed myself.
The entrance to Kennedy Space Center.
Right after you get through the ticket gates if you wish they will take your picture for you infront of the NASA symbol.
A little down from the main entrance is the place workers and the like get their IDs and you find this rocket there.
You can take a bus tour with three stops. The tour is about three hours and really worth the time.
Stope one. They have a lift here also if you cann't climb stairs.
Looking up.
It takes a lot of skill to build something like this but it also tells you how low tech in some ways things still are. A tube, a screw, and everything goes wrong.
I forgot my sunglasses and too many late nights writing have marked me with dark circles under my eyes.
Looking down.
Mar took most of these pictures and this one looks like a NASA postcard.
This isn't a rebuild of the old control room but the original.
Now that's just cool to look up at something like that.
There is so much stuff in the second stop hanging above you.
See, tons of cool stuff.
Mar walks the steps on the moon.
This area was really cool with the Snoopy statue and the background is tons of really cool newspapers from all over the country and the world when the moon landing happen.
I've actually been in one of these. A story for another time.
Mar took this while we were taking a break.
Nice display.
I good veiw inside. KSC has so many cool things to look at. You could spent a few days taking your time looking everything over.
We smelled french fries as soon as we got into this building and finally gave in. They were good also just so you know.
For driving on the moon.
Now that's a big door. And this also reminds me, Is the Tron sequal out already?
I use to have a toy of this when I was little that I use to throw around all over the place. It was made of metal so the time I was done with it, it appeared to have been used by Galactus as a baseball.
The molds they used to make gloves and a cool image on its own.
The third stop is the area of the International Space Station.
Walk inside and see what the outside and inside of the space station is like.
That tube scares me.
Zoom in Mar's camera takes great pics. This poster is about a book written a long time ago and I took this picture to remind to to try and track it down.
You can look down from a viewing room to see the people at work.
You couldn't get near this that often, the kids just loved this thing. KSC has tons of things great for kids that keeps their attention beyond the facts.
Another cool image.
Stay away from the Starfleet Academy show. I know its suppose to be for kids but we wondered if they even bothered doing much research on Star Trek when writing the show. Just terriable.
They have a launch ride which Mar road while I sat outside talking to an artist I'm working on a project with. I'm not much for rides tha just shake me like a martini anyways.
I collection patches from the places we go. They have patches for every mission in the gift shops, which there are many, and I choose this one. Anyone want to guess why?

K.S.C. TRIP SEPT 11TH 2010