The drive to Miami from Melbourne is never that bad until we actually get into Miami and then I'm just glade I have Mar as my pilot because the lady is great at directions. Even if she gets turned around on the maps she's following because they are off she gets us where we are going and since we aren't dipshits we leave early enough to give a buffer in case we do run into bumps along the way that hold us up.
This blog entry will be photos for the most part with me writing comments along the way because if I just write a blog entry I'll be here all day and not get any work done my own stories talking about how much I admire Neil Gaiman.
Also at the end I'll include my Twitter posts while going to the signing and while there. Don't worry, there weren't that many because on the way I was co-pilot and music picker and when we got there I was so nervous I couldn't even read.
When we got there the line was already long as shit but the organizers,
Books & Books, had it well organized and had friendly people working the lines. This was handled a whole lot better than when we went there for a Stephenie Meyer signing a few years ago. This picture doesn't even show half of the line though. Oh, a shit ton of Doctor Who shirts were to be seen.
Here's another half half of the line. It's basically went all the way around the whole building. It was held at Temple Judea, a really nice place. We were only in line outside for about an hour before being seated in the cool inside for a good rest before things started.
Brad Meltzer did the introducing duties. He was pretty funny. Later he would be the one who read the crowd sourced questions. I enjoy Q&A's handle like this inside of mics in the crowd. This way all the completely stupid questions are tossed to the side. I'm sorry but some people are just stupid.
Then it was the main event. First Neil told the birth of the story that would become The Ocean At The End Of The Lane. It was a cool story about missing his wife and shows the journey can go from idea to finished product.
After that he read a chapter from the book. Neil is one of the few writers who I love them reading their own books. The audios of him reading his books are some of my favorite audios ever. I can't wait to dive into The Ocean At The End Of The Lane tonight and also reread Books Of Magic since now it's blessed :)
The Q&A was really entertaining with equal parts comedy and campfire storytelling. When Neil talks about Myth it reminds me why I read in the first place.
Then the first group was called to get in line for the signing. See getting there early pays off. Mar's family were really late and but ended up getting to have photos taken beside him because it took so long and that's cool for them but if I had gotten to get that close I would have been crying like the young lady who got her books signed right before we did. No serious, I'm not making fun, I was close to that myself.
Mar spent the time in line reading. A novel concept. Yep, yep, I said it. Though to be honest she was reading the ebook but that doesn't make for a good on theme picture.
By this point I was so nervous I was starting to get a little sick. Yea, I was totally cool. Cool guy sucking in his gut, trying not to run away with a anxiety overload.
They were prepared with lots and lots of markers and pens. I spotted a huge box behind everything after getting our books signed. For some reason this just caught my eye. The little things about what it takes to make a signing this big work smoothly.
Mar getting her books signed and telling Neil about her library and some of her teens. See if you are nice to your librarian they may just mention you to a writer when they get to meet them.
Mar gave him a Coraline that was made for him. He really liked it. I think this type of stuff like cos-playing has to be one of the coolest things that can happen to you as a writer.
Neil signing my copy of Books Of Magic. It's my fourth copy because I've given two away and someone five fingered another. Yes that's a Mountain Dew bottle in my pocket. I could have used a Double Dew on this day. My nerves were shot people, I needed a push to just get me through without my anxiety in overdrive making me find a nice dark corner to crawl into.
Mar as we were leaving. I took a moment to sit on the steps of the temple to eat my balled up Ron Weasley sandwich that I was too nervous to eat during things. Some people were eating inside but that just felt wrong to me. I didn't know the custom for eating in temples so I went outside.
My blessed copy of Books Of Magic. Today while writing I'm going to watch Neverwhere and Mirror Mask and Star Dust and Coraline.
After Neil Gaiman Q&A, meeting him, and getting books signed, now watching Coraline. Tomorrow watching Neverwhere while writing.
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday 16h
I got stuffs signed by Neil Gaiman. And I didnt pass out. Its a happy Brian day.
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday 17h
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Brian Williams @hangofwednesday 17h
Also in pure TMI fashion, I need to piss bad.
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday 17h
In line to get books signed. The reading and Q&A were great.
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday 19h
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Brian Williams @hangofwednesday 19h
Brad Metzer(sp) is introing him.
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday 19h
Mar is the best with directions. Miami isnt the easist place to find places but shes a pro.
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday 19h
Sitting for a bit before things start is good after dealing with Miami traffic.
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday 20h
Inside now seated in the cool air waiting for talk to begin.
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday 20h
Waiting in long line, in hot sun, to see Neil Gaiman. Best day ever :)
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday 22h
There is traffic and then there is dipshit traffic. I'm among the stupid and dangerous right now.
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday 23h
Me"Stop looking at penis clouds while driving!"
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday 23 Jun
After I had a coughing fit. Mar"You choke on nothing." Me"Air went down the wrong way."
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Brian Williams @hangofwednesday 23 Jun
Anxiety, fear, and stress. Not just how I am when I go to a book signing to see a writer I admire.

Where I Talk About Meeting Neil Gaiman, Driving In Miami, and The Love Of Stories