Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Tin Universe Daily #1
I start Tin Universe Daily and friends start bets on when I will miss my first day. Posted early because falling asleep. Happy New Year!

Sunday, December 28, 2014
That's a question.
What the Hell?
I'm old now, I no longer care about my weaknesses or insane nature touches. I'm committed to get better every day and I've embraced my obsession with ideas and to see that I don't want to create beautiful things as a fact is good thing for me. Structure, form, and straight lines have never been in my soul but I've fought that to do what I was told was the right ways to tell a story. Now I'm driving a course that embraces what I feel natural.
Now that the writer boring boring boring is out of the way...
First up are Tin Universe plans:
-Tin Universe Monthly? returns to being Tin Universe Monthly but with a new style of content. I'm going to try a Tin Universe Daily series which will be made up of posts to the Tin Universe site of text conversations, emails, and brief conversations between characters. At the end of each month these website posts will be collected into the Tin Universe Monthly release for that month. I'm really excited about doing this because it's different and will force me to go onto the computer after work on a daily basis and thus get other writing done while there.
-Tin Universe Daily {see above}
-Tin Universe Middle Grade Series #3 will be released on Christmas day. I'm really juiced up for this book and finished the zero draft today. I think people will really like it. The response to #2 has been good in the few days since its release.
The Collected plans:
-The Collected becomes a monthly flash fiction serial series starting in January because of the good response its gotten. And in November you will get a full month of The Collected as a bonus. I also came up with a idea a few days ago that will start with The Collected #11. Because I need each project to have many unique things about it to keep my interest going. One of the things I've decided to do with The Collected to keep it unique is to reprint all past installments as I add a new one, thus you get everything as you download the newest issue. What I want this to do is slowly build into this huge one big book over time. Now if you have read all the past Collected stories or wish to skip them you can just search for the latest stories title such as NOTICE DIDN’T DO IT. This is something you could only do with ebooks and a free series since I’m not worried about people buying past issues; so if you want to jump on and read you can at any point in the series {starting with #11} and get caught up. Plus it seemed perfect for a series called The Collected.
The God Mark plans:
-The God Mark returns with The God Mark #23 in October with every other day flash fiction releases all month long.
12 Days Of Non-Christmas Stories:
-It seems people liked this quite a bit so I'm going to do it again next year. As with this year I will do one issue of 11 different series free to download each day leading up to the next Tin Universe Middle Grade Series book. Also the issue with the most downloads by December 27th will get a month of flash fiction releases in February of the next year. This year the most downloads went to The Darkness Bite #2.
The Darkness Bite plans:
-{see above}
NaNoWriMo plans:
-Yes, with all above I'm still going to try NaNoWriMo again. It's a lot of fun.

Thursday, December 25, 2014
On The 12th Day Of Christmas The Crazy Man Gave To You TIN UNIVERSE MIDDLE GRADE SERIES #2
... and for only $1.00 Buy one for your kid, buy one for yourself, buy one as a gift to me because then you get a book and I get a dollar. Actually I get like 59cents but you know what I mean.

On The 12th Day Of Christmas The Crazy Man Gave To You TIN UNIVERSE MIDDLE GRADE SERIES #2
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Monday, December 22, 2014
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Tin Universe Middle Grade Series #2 ad
This is the ad for my next book, ready for download on Christmas day for the low price of $1.00. Don't worry, you'll hear about it again if you follow me anywhere online.

Tin Universe Middle Grade Series #2 ad
Friday, December 19, 2014
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Monday, December 15, 2014
Saturday, December 13, 2014
My little bit of giving out of my insanity during the giving season. 12 DAYS OF NON-CHRISTMAS STORIES so now The Daleks plays in the background and I'm starting the first story for my 12 Days Of Non-Christmas Stories at 12am. One flash fiction story a day from the 14th to the 24th shall be written and released. All free leading up to the release of Tin Universe Middle Grade Series #2 on Christmas

12 days of non-christmas stories,
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Cover Reveal TUMGS #2

Just a quick post to reveal the cover and title for the second Tin Universe middle grade book in it as being the Tin Universe Middle Grade Series #2: Sasha.
That's some of the coherent writing you will get in the book itself.
Book 2 will be $1.00 the same as book 1; which you can buy here, though I've tried my best to make it were you don't have to read one of the previous books to enjoy the new one.
Oh, and it comes out December 22nd, this month, my birthday, when you will find it here for the low low price of only $1 dollar.

Cover Reveal TUMGS #2
Sunday, November 30, 2014
The Wall Bound #21
The last of the 2014 Artist Writer Drunken Brainstorming Sessions is released in The Wall Bound #21: Once a year I'm going to do commission a Pinup Art Releases From Artist Writer Drunken Brainstorming Sessions series of releases on the Wall Bound site. Basically just friends throwing ideas around and writing stuff off the top of our heads with our characters and ourselves. "Drunken Brainstorming" sounds good, whether actual alcohol was involved is well hidden secret. I decided to do this as part of The Wall Bound universe because it's basically just me brainstorming with myself in its nature. Probably after all are posted each years group, probably around 15 in all, will be made into a collection downloadable on my Smashwords store.

The Wall Bound #21
Winner Winner 2014 NaNoWriMo Winner Dinner
After a month of writing in notebooks at work, waiting in places, and at home, and four days off of vacation typing typing typing I finished my 2014 NaNoWriMo with a final word count of 79,942
The final pages from typing,
One of my NaNo notebooks I made for this year,
The cover I used for the NaNoWriMo website,

Winner Winner 2014 NaNoWriMo Winner Dinner
nanowrimo winner,
notebook writing
Friday, November 28, 2014
The Wall Bound #20
The Wall Bound #20: Once a year I'm going to do commission a Pinup Art Releases From Artist Writer Drunken Brainstorming Sessions series of releases on the Wall Bound site. Basically just friends throwing ideas around and writing stuff off the top of our heads with our characters and ourselves. "Drunken Brainstorming" sounds good, whether actual alcohol was involved is well hidden secret. I decided to do this as part of The Wall Bound universe because it's basically just me brainstorming with myself in its nature. Probably after all are posted each years group, probably around 15 in all, will be made into a collection downloadable on my Smashwords store.

The Wall Bound #20
Thursday, November 27, 2014
The Wall Bound #19
The Wall Bound #19: Once a year I'm going to do commission a Pinup Art Releases From Artist Writer Drunken Brainstorming Sessions series of releases on the Wall Bound site. Basically just friends throwing ideas around and writing stuff off the top of our heads with our characters and ourselves. "Drunken Brainstorming" sounds good, whether actual alcohol was involved is well hidden secret. I decided to do this as part of The Wall Bound universe because it's basically just me brainstorming with myself in its nature. Probably after all are posted each years group, probably around 15 in all, will be made into a collection downloadable on my Smashwords store.

The Wall Bound #19
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
The Wall Bound #18
The Wall Bound #18: Once a year I'm going to do commission a Pinup Art Releases From Artist Writer Drunken Brainstorming Sessions series of releases on the Wall Bound site. Basically just friends throwing ideas around and writing stuff off the top of our heads with our characters and ourselves. "Drunken Brainstorming" sounds good, whether actual alcohol was involved is well hidden secret. I decided to do this as part of The Wall Bound universe because it's basically just me brainstorming with myself in its nature. Probably after all are posted each years group, probably around 15 in all, will be made into a collection downloadable on my Smashwords store.

The Wall Bound #18
Sunday, November 23, 2014
That Mark And Beyond
MY #NaNoWriMo just hit 50,643 words. This book is nowhere near the end of this zero draft even. I think it will end somewhere around 70,000. As the great philosopher said, "To infinity and beyond!"

That Mark And Beyond
Saturday, November 22, 2014
The Wall Bound #17
The Wall Bound #17: Once a year I'm going to do commission a Pinup Art Releases From Artist Writer Drunken Brainstorming Sessions series of releases on the Wall Bound site. Basically just friends throwing ideas around and writing stuff off the top of our heads with our characters and ourselves. "Drunken Brainstorming" sounds good, whether actual alcohol was involved is well hidden secret. I decided to do this as part of The Wall Bound universe because it's basically just me brainstorming with myself in its nature. Probably after all are posted each years group, probably around 15 in all, will be made into a collection downloadable on my Smashwords store.

The Wall Bound #17
Thursday, November 20, 2014
The Wall Bound #16
The Wall Bound #16: Once a year I'm going to do commission a Pinup Art Releases From Artist Writer Drunken Brainstorming Sessions series of releases on the Wall Bound site. Basically just friends throwing ideas around and writing stuff off the top of our heads with our characters and ourselves. "Drunken Brainstorming" sounds good, whether actual alcohol was involved is well hidden secret. I decided to do this as part of The Wall Bound universe because it's basically just me brainstorming with myself in its nature. Probably after all are posted each years group, probably around 15 in all, will be made into a collection downloadable on my Smashwords store.

The Wall Bound #16
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Two Walls Are Bound To Tin Universe
The Wall Bound #14 and 15: Once a year I'm going to do commission a Pinup Art Releases From Artist Writer Drunken Brainstorming Sessions series of releases on the Wall Bound site. Basically just friends throwing ideas around and writing stuff off the top of our heads with our characters and ourselves. "Drunken Brainstorming" sounds good, whether actual alcohol was involved is well hidden secret. I decided to do this as part of The Wall Bound universe because it's basically just me brainstorming with myself in its nature. Probably after all are posted each years group, probably around 15 in all, will be made into a collection downloadable on my Smashwords store.
Also NEW NEW NEW today, Tin Universe Monthly? #19

Two Walls Are Bound To Tin Universe
Sunday, November 16, 2014
The Wall Bound #13
The Wall Bound #13: Once a year I'm going to do commission a Pinup Art Releases From Artist Writer Drunken Brainstorming Sessions series of releases on the Wall Bound site. Basically just friends throwing ideas around and writing stuff off the top of our heads with our characters and ourselves. "Drunken Brainstorming" sounds good, whether actual alcohol was involved is well hidden secret. I decided to do this as part of The Wall Bound universe because it's basically just me brainstorming with myself in its nature. Probably after all are posted each years group, probably around 15 in all, will be made into a collection downloadable on my Smashwords store.

The Wall Bound #13
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Thursday, November 13, 2014
The Wall Bound #12
Once a year I'm going to do commission a Pinup Art Releases From Artist Writer Drunken Brainstorming Sessions series of releases on the Wall Bound site. Basically just friends throwing ideas around and writing stuff off the top of our heads with our characters and ourselves. "Drunken Brainstorming" sounds good, whether actual alcohol was involved is well hidden secret. I decided to do this as part of The Wall Bound universe because it's basically just me brainstorming with myself in its nature. Probably after all are posted each years group, probably around 15 in all, will be made into a collection downloadable on my Smashwords store.

The Wall Bound #12
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Monday, November 10, 2014
The Wall Bound #11
Once a year I'm going to do commission a Pinup Art Releases From Artist Writer Drunken Brainstorming Sessions series of releases on the Wall Bound site. Basically just friends throwing ideas around and writing stuff off the top of our heads with our characters and ourselves. "Drunken Brainstorming" sounds good, whether actual alcohol was involved is well hidden secret. I decided to do this as part of The Wall Bound universe because it's basically just me brainstorming with myself in its nature. Probably after all are posted each years group, probably around 15 in all, will be made into a collection downloadable on my Smashwords store.

The Wall Bound #11
Saturday, November 8, 2014
Friday, November 7, 2014
The Wall Bound #10
Once a year I'm going to do commission a Pinup Art Releases From Artist Writer Drunken Brainstorming Sessions series of releases on the Wall Bound site. Basically just friends throwing ideas around and writing stuff off the top of our heads with our characters and ourselves. "Drunken Brainstorming" sounds good, whether actual alcohol was involved is well hidden secret. I decided to do this as part of The Wall Bound universe because it's basically just me brainstorming with myself in its nature. Probably after all are posted each years group, probably around 15 in all, will be made into a collection downloadable on my Smashwords store.

The Wall Bound #10
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
The Wall Bound #9
Once a year I'm going to do commission a Pinup Art Releases From Artist Writer Drunken Brainstorming Sessions series of releases on the Wall Bound site. Basically just friends throwing ideas around and writing stuff off the top of our heads with our characters and ourselves. "Drunken Brainstorming" sounds good, whether actual alcohol was involved is well hidden secret. I decided to do this as part of The Wall Bound universe because it's basically just me brainstorming with myself in its nature. Probably after all are posted each years group, probably around 15 in all, will be made into a collection downloadable on my Smashwords store.

The Wall Bound #9
Monday, November 3, 2014
The Wall Bound #8

The Wall Bound #8
Saturday, November 1, 2014
The Wall Bound #7
Once a year I'm going to do commission a Pinup Art Releases From Artist Writer Drunken Brainstorming Sessions series of releases on the Wall Bound site. Basically just friends throwing ideas around and writing stuff off the top of our heads with our characters and ourselves. "Drunken Brainstorming" sounds good, whether actual alcohol was involved is well hidden secret. I decided to do this as part of The Wall Bound universe because it's basically just me brainstorming with myself in its nature. Probably after all are posted each years group, probably around 15 in all, will be made into a collection downloadable on my Smashwords store.

The Wall Bound #7
My Favorite Time Of Year
I'm ready, bring it on.
I made me a nice little notebook for off computer writing.
And also before the shit gets started, one of my favorite quotes on NANO:
"NANOWRIMO NAYSAYERS: I'll work on my book after I finish criticizing Nano. NANO PARTICIPANTS: [working on books]"-Courtney Summers

My Favorite Time Of Year
notebook crafting
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Tis The Season For Horrible Writing To Be Shared
To celebrate Halloween I have two new releases,
October 30th
a poetry collection
October 31st

Tis The Season For Horrible Writing To Be Shared
bloodwaste books,
short stories,
Tin Universe
Saturday, October 25, 2014
The Collected #7
This is The Collected, a place so frustrating in its nature that the great philosopher from the planet Alpha Demo, Delphaconnick, called it- “A symbol of truly how Godless and random creation is in its cruelty to life.” It’s basically pluckings from creation. Pluckings is like cracklings. Oh, go look up BBQ and cracklings, I need to get on with this if I expect to get it out before Halloween.
UNDER THE TRAINING BOOK: http://underthetrainingbook.blogspot.com/
TIN UNIVERSE: http://tinuniverse.blogspot.com/
GOD MARK: http://thegodmark.blogspot.com/
WALLBOUND: http://wallbound.blogspot.com/
THE COLLECTED http://cee-collected.blogspot.com/

flash fiction,
free stories,
the collected
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Generation Of A God #19 & #20
The Experiment Continues with... Generation Of A God #19 & #20
The story returns October 2015 with Generation Of A God #21

The story returns October 2015 with Generation Of A God #21

Generation Of A God #19 & #20
Saturday, October 11, 2014
Friday, October 10, 2014
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Monday, October 6, 2014
Universal London And Beyond
Sunday we had some fun...

Before anything else drinks had to be had...
There were train trips...
Stops for the news of the day...
Getting lost down dark places...
And at times it got a little hot...
But we didn't have to ride everywhere as we had bus tickets...
And on the train things happen, things that must not be talked about...
Places had food and we ate it all...
Mar found a friend...
We spotted some history...
And I met a soul mate...
Between all of those things I joined MIB, battled a Mummy, and watched Mar and The Queen hunt churros in their natural habitat.

Universal London And Beyond
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