Sunday, August 13, 2017

Art Delivers

In college I published a number of small print run comics and 8 page short stories. For the most part a lot of bad spelling and copy cat storytelling on my part but that's how you learn. Or at least how I learn. Self-publishers, editors, hire them, they important. The below image was suppose to be one of the short stories but when I took it to the normal guy who was printing my books he refused to print it because... well, when I asked why he pulled out his wallet and showed me a actual fucking KKK business card. 
I ended up just printing out tons of the cover art on college printers and posted all over campus but got in trouble for that too. I've used this art for a few things and each time it brings out the assholes. Art is how I deal with things. I write, I work with artists, I create. Sometimes its to make others smile and laugh, sometimes to make me smile and laugh, and other times to tell a big Fuck You to those that need that message delivered as much as possible.
If I can find it I'll post a piece of artwork that got me my first death threat as a creator. 
I just thought of this piece of artwork tonight and pulled it out to talk about art. We all can't be warriors, or politicians, or leaders, or other things and other things, but do your part by being who you are and use it to resist, remember, and fight.


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