Sunday, April 15, 2007


A quick post on the fly sort of entry. This weekend sucked at work. Yesterday was ok but the lady who was suppose to come in today did not show. I am getting really sick of some of these people who act this way just because they are bar buddies with the boss. It is a bad situation which is costing us productivity wise and I'm the one in the crosshares is things do not get done.

Tax time is driving me nuts. I have not filed mine yet so I will be up early tomorrow to go do some. I might try for a extension but reading the paper work it looks like it says you still have to pay on time no matter if you do get a extension? So what is the extension for, My Dick!? I know I need it but for fucks sake. I hate the fact the the goverment makes things so wrangling on people when it comes to finding simple answers.

Put together a bunch of information of graphic novels to give to someone at one of the local libuaries in hopes they will start to carry more materials and maybe even carry them in a correct way that treats them just as any other book should be. Right now most libuaries around are pure choatic in how they shelve and order graphic novels and trades of comics. All of this thinking about this subject also has me remembering how when I was young I wanted to work at a libuary. I wish I still was at times in that sort of place daily. Being around books just makes me feel better about everything.

After work off to do the food shopping thing, maybe do some laundry if it stops raining and if I get out of my current bad mood, try to get some writing done, try to get my tax stuff straight for tomorrow, try to spend some good time with my love, try to get some rest, try to keep from killing myself, try to clean up my old files more, try to clean out my truck................


1 comment:

Marlena said...

You know, libraries doesn't have a 'u'