written 11/28/09
Started the new hours they are throwing at me at my pay the rent job. They put me on a mid day shift which really basically means I will not have time to do anything during the week and I was told I would have to be on call for weekends also. I really need to get on a schedule now when it comes to getting things done because I really will not have time to do much of anything unless I schedule time for writing, house work, and other such things beyond the money income side of my life.
One day I may actually do laundry without being threatened into it by my love or those who have to be near me. But finding time gives me even more of an excuse than just being lazy.
I received a great new phone for my birthday from my love. I love it, its so cool, the first cell phone I have had which has color screens and a camera and it flips like in a bad scene but really good from the original Star Trek. The only problem is we are having a bugger of a time trying to get my service changed over so right now I have two phones and neither one works. Sort of cool though because no one can call me and bug me about bullshit, Not so cool when it comes down to not being able to text with my love about the B.S. life throws at us in general as our days progress.
Last night I started outlining a at work book to write while here during brakes since I am here so much. I like to do that since I tend to have a lot of desk jobs. I tend to be in a total different mood and frame of mind when working so I like to work on two different projects usually at once. One at home and one at work. Though if deadlines creep up I cross those over at times to get things done.
Since I got this new job I have not gotten much writing done at all. I wrote a 1st draft of a youth book when I was unemployed after the layoff and need to get back to that project also some day because that story was turning out pretty nice. I have always had the hardest time focusing on one or two projects and not starting new ones along the way and basically finishing nothing at all. I think tonight I need to make a writing plan for the new year. 2006 saw a couple of projects start that looked really promising but they seemed to have drowned for a more than a few reasons. I actually would not mind doing more of the PDF e-mail collections I did this year but will have to see if I can fit those in when I do the writing schedule. I know I can’t do them monthly like I was doing because more than anything else the quality suffered big time on them when I was doing that considering I was writing, doing graphics, editing, and all the rest on them while working 13 hour days.
Last night couldn’t sleep so I watched the copy of ULTIMATE AVENGERS 2 that I picked up the other day. I liked the first one, the second one… well the best thing about the second DVD was the interview with the creators of the original ULTIMATES comics. They really missed the ball with these and though entertaining they did not capture the raw energy of the comics. Though to be honest the trailer for the new Iron Man direct to DVD animated movie looks pretty cool, I found that on the net the other day. Watch it be better than the movie they are going to make. That movie is going to have some much CGI in it, it might as well just be all animated itself.
Well, back to the paperwork which never gets caught up,