At the end of February I hit not only my monthly
goal for February but that just so happen to also be the 100,000 word mark on
the Zero Draft of my 3rd book. This collection of stories is the most crazy
batshit stuff I've ever written. That crazy batshit will probably drive me
slowly insane when I move on from Zero Draft territory but right now
its the most fun and joy I've ever gotten from writing.
Did I mention-
Coming December 2014 to a internet near you.
This is a good
point in the Zero Draft as I'm hitting the end of the first half of the
second novella, and when I first started it I thought this is total shit, but
by the third chapter something clicked and its pushing itself out of the
primordial ooze and kicking some balls.
I don't think
I'm mentioned here before the layout of the collection, mainly because that
would be a really boring thing to put in a bog entry, so here goes:
Short Story
Short Story
Short Story
Short Story
Short Story
Short Story
Short Story
Short Story
Short Story
I think you can get the feel of it from that but add to it as I'm writing the Zero Draft I am in turn also writing 11 Vignettes which will be going out
free on a monthly basis in 2014 leading up to the book release.
Also working on the idea of doing 4 video
story vologs and 4 audio story podcasts. Writing the scripts for those two
things now as part of the Zero Draft work but I will see if I can find actors
for those projects or if the Vignettes will be enough.
I have a year plus to get all of this ready. The ride so far has been
crazy creative soul pushing and I know it will grow to be hellish brain
I look forward to all of it.

After Hitting 100,000 Words Progress Update On Zero Draft 3rd Book