*unedited views from the past week of the brain puke I placed into the hands of the internet.
Why more abandoned buildings aren't able to be reused for other business and housing I don't know. Well, I do. Money. Companies can write off abandoned and unused properties at a profit than letting others use them. There should be laws that either pay with tax breaks to companies to let unused properties be used for housing and small business outreach or governments should tell them all these empty houses and abandoned places either use them or give them up. Where I live there is constant construction on housing and small shopping areas and there are also tons of empty housing and empty shopping buildings.
As companies like Netflix kneel before companies like Comcast and their prices rise they will learn that they are such a big business now because of their low prices. They are alternative to high priced cable bills. Netflix, Hulu Plus, YouTube seem to forget sometimes that a large part of their success was that they weren't the failures of TV, a different approach, and different way of thinking, but the more they try to be TV online, the more they will fall through the same holes.
So this person out jogging was lucky she wasn't raped and beaten up by police?
To be fair you could yell assholes to every state in the country right now as it seems everyone is just losing their minds right now with racist, sexist, homophobic, anti intelligence bullshit but we can pick on Georgia because its slowly moving up the charts.
I don't miss watching sports on TV because I have the John Green FIFA videos
Florida... Florida, come here. Come on. Just a word. Don't worry, not going to yell. Your making Texas look smart again Florida. We have talked about before Florida. Now go into a corner and write I WILL NOT BE STUPID AND MAKE TEXAS LOOK SMART AGAIN 82144557888 times
Marriage isn't about love. Marriage never has until modern times. Now before my married friends go after me this isn't a personal attack on your choice to marry. My opinion here. But marriage has in the past and still is today a financial agreement. In the past it was basically a slave trade off of children for lands, goods, or money, and now its a financial agreement because of the benefits it offers couples in some aspects. If you want to say marriage isn't about love and it isn't a secular belief then take the benefits it holds away. Benefits that in some places allow tax breaks or breaks in rent or the right to make choices for the person you love or even visit them in a hospital.
I have jackhole neighbors. Half are FIT fucks who cant even cross the street and the other half are fake rednecks.
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday Feb 21
Was looking forward to watching newest TMNT series on Hulu Plus but found out it just haw S 2 starting with ep 3. Going to watch anyways.
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday Feb 21
One of Hulu Plus things is shows as they come out but the way people like to marathon shows kind of makes Netflix a better choice for some.
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday Feb 21
I didn't know if I'd like the animation of TMNT because CGI shows have been crap of late. Talking to you Green Lantern. But I like.
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday Feb 21
Watching the Barry Allen episode of Arrow.
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday Feb 21
That's for all those people who say I'm not doing the internet right and need to promote stuff more.
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday Feb 21
Trying to catch up on Arrow on Hulu Plus while writing, though I missed some episodes they don't have on here.
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday Feb 21
watching Caper as a migraine has taken over my night.
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday Feb 21
writing while watching Doctor Who: The Sun Makers
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday Feb 21
The Sun Makers is one of those stories people yell WORST THING EVER about when its just a story with good ideas that didn't hit the mark.
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday Feb 21
Doctor Who fans have a long history of yelling WORST THING EVER a lot without really thinking about it.
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday Feb 21
By the way I'd rather see a story fail in an attempt to do something different than succeed in doing the standard.
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday Feb 21
8 more pages I need to work on tonight and in the back now Doctor Who: Underworld.
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday Feb 21
I have no idea what Underworld is about? What its suppose to be about? Or whats happening?
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday Feb 21
I can usually follow a story while writing but this??? I haven't a clue besides slave mining and the reason Time Lords don't interfere?
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday Feb 21
Anyways back to my own story that makes little to no sense and leaves people shaking their heads.
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday Feb 21
Now Invasion Of Time. With this story I do know whats going on and why. Though some of it is crap, like the ending. I love the beginning.
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday Feb 21
Though the marrying off of Leela still makes me angry The Invasion Of Time is one of my favorite Doctor Who stories.
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday Feb 22
Finished tonights writing by del 2000 words. Might use them later. Some good crazy in there.
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday Feb 22
And my migraine returned the second I turned off the computer.
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday Feb 22
Tonight we are crafting with Perler Beads. Mar is making Minecraft stuff and I'm doing 80's thingees.
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday Feb 23
Went to Greek Fest today. Good food and music.
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday Feb 23
Now watching Game Of Thrones and crafting.
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday Feb 23
Not much worse than being seated in the bathroom and the power goes out.
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday Feb 24
Waking up with a migraine and asthma attack. What a way to start a day.
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday Feb 24
Later today I'm doing some daywork cleaning mold out of a house.
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday Feb 24
Will be wearing a mask but God. Going to be a fun day.
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday Feb 24
Daywork mold clean up at a house was quick and easy. I just had one cabinet area to work on. Will see if asthma goes into overdrive later.
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday Feb 24
These people were better than most in Florida. Usually all anyone does is wipe down with bleach and then paint over.
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday Feb 24
And that was the weekly police visit to our apartment complex. Getting it in early this week.
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday Feb 24
I want the WWE channel but wonder if its worth $9.99 a month with live PPVs and shows?
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday Feb 24
Mar"What other crafting can you do?" Me"Crotchhatching" Mar"I just dont know about you"
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday Feb 24
Me"I thought that ad said The Pangea Hotel" Mar"Sometimes I think you're trolling me"
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday Feb 24
3 out of 5 stars for Batman- Detective Comics: Emperor Penguin
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday Feb 25
Mar woke me up, put a peanut butter taco in my hand, and shoved me out the door to do some early morning laundry.
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday Feb 25
Or am I still asleep? Why is Black Hole Sun soundtracking? Oh, that would be my Wonder Woman earbuds in my ears playing Soundgarden.
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday Feb 25
Mar"What are you singing badly?" Me"Dont Stop Me Now" Mar"ITS ON RANDOM!" *we do the zombie beat down dance*
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday Feb 25
I got bored with the Walking Dead comic right after the prison and the show after season one. Zombies as a whole are very dull to me.
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday Feb 25
My thing with Walking Dead is its base concept. It's a show not about zombies but about people. That borrrrres me.
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday Feb 25
Realistic fiction tends to bore me. I don't consume much r fiction because I want to escape. Walking Dead is a masked r fiction
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday Feb 25
Plus so many people in these types of stores do VERY stupid things and its never exposed for the most part which frustrates me.
rian Williams @hangofwednesday Feb 25
That's what I mean. Why hell would anyone listen to this guy? I mean really, my cracked out neighbors have more leadership skills
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday Feb 25
To your conv earlier today. It's Don, Leo, Rapl, and Mi with Michelangelo being a character I haven't liked much at all.
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday Feb 25
People got mad at me once for saying I would have followed the Governor before I would have followed Rick.
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday Feb 25
I think in ways Mikey seems like a crotch for weak writing in some cases in the history of the characters.
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday Feb 25
In a pure survial sitution which is what people hold WD up to be I would have followed Merle or the Governor any day over Rick.
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday Feb 25
My survival skills don't include spelling :)
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday Feb 25
I started watching on Hulu Plus though only have in the middle of season two on. I've liked so far.
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday Feb 25
Her or Daryl or even Carol but not Rick. Carl more than Rick even. Carl's my favorite in the comics.
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday Feb 25
Youre right about Andrea. I just love that Carl is way more logical and badass than his dad in the comics.
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday Feb 25
watching The Sarah Jane Adventures. I've only seen season one.
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday Feb 26
Something I just said to a friend, "You can change things when you become President Snow."
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday Feb 26
Was just sitting watching TV when I saw a big spider crawling up my leg. I didnt even feel it. Holy crapple burgers!
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday Feb 26
I dont like spiders be them big or small.
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday Feb 26
So much for sleeping tonight.
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday Feb 27
The more I watch it, the more I like the new TMNT show. Watching the first Casey Jones in action ep right now.
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday Feb 27
The action is good and this ep had a really good chase scene.
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday Feb 28
I think if I woke up in a zoo I would notice right away I wasnt home because the neighbors would be better.
Brian Williams @hangofwednesday Feb 28
watching Parks & Rec: Season 6 to calm my hatred for humanity.
Leakage through the eyes of Tumblr:
Last night was a crafting night. Mar made Minecraft stuff with Perler Beads while I made a 80’s themed coaster.
While crafting we watched Around The World In 80 Days With Micheal Palin.
A Minecraft sword Mar made.
The rest of her nights work.
The coaster I made for the office. I put a real disc under it to make it more solid and play up the real/art thing.
Mar sent me a rant she had to get out of her system after we saw The Lego Movie. She said I could post it on here.
"I have a bit of a rant today. I finally got to see the Lego movie. And it was fantastic! It was a lot of fun and really creative. I hadn’t been able to go see it right away (because of stuff and things)
but in the couple of weeks that it has been out I have had many conversations with my kids and their parents about the movie. Mostly it’s been about how AWESOME it is. Legos are kind of a big deal. But one of the more, shall we say, odd comments that I have heard numerous times is that the Lego movie has a decidedly anti-business/anti-capitalism subliminal message that is indoctrinating our children. Because…drumroll…the bad guy’s name is Lord Business.
Now, I really couldn’t comment at first when these things were said because I hadn’t seen the movie. So I would smile politely and say I had to see it. But I was put off by the statement. How can Lego (think about it, the insanely expensive toy) be anti-capitalism? The movie is essentially an hour and a half long commercial for the toys (even we “adults” left the theater thinking “Hey, I need Legos!”). How in the world could the Lego movie in its insane glorification of consumerism, in fact, be anti-capitalism? The thing is that there is a too literal reading the villain’s name.
The thing is, if you watch the movie, you can see right away what “Lord Business” is a reference too (and it basically hits your over the head by the feels-inducing end). Business refers to Legos not being a toy with which you play. They are serious business, life like modeling tools (to one builder). You are supposed to use Legos to build. They are not an imaginative toy. Essentially, the Lego movie is about conformity vs. individuality, structure vs. creativity, and rules vs. free thought.
As somebody that works with children, the way I saw it was that it boils down to structured play vs. creative play. Essentially Lord Business is telling builders that if you don’t build following guidelines you are “messing everything up” and the heroes are showing you that you can build whatever you want (“SPACESHIP!!” did I mention that Charlie Day is in there???). The heroes are showing you that, yes, in fact Legos are a toy for play. For super fun, exciting, imagine anything you want play.
This is actually a huge challenge that kids face right now. With a greater emphasis on quantifiable, measurable educational outcomes kids are being forced away from creative thought processes. Kids are being told more and more that their play has to be productive or that they are not “playing right”. Creative play is a valuable developmental tool for children (as well as a valuable bonding experience for families) and I think that is the real message there. Not anti-capitalism. Children need to exercise their imaginations.
Also, without creative, imaginative thought you wouldn’t have human space flight, 3D printed prosthetic limbs, or electricity supplying windmills made out of junk. So that’s the big message here. If you want smart, forward thinking kids you have to let them imagine. To paraphrase Neil deGrasse Tyson, let your kids break stuff. Let their curiosity run wild.
The thing is, when kids are engaging in imaginative play they are really up to serious business. They are building (and destroying) exciting new worlds and characters that less imaginative people just can’t see.
Play is serious business all on its own.
Do cool
Importance of creative play:
other things of possible interest,
The monthly free Tin Universe story series continues as we get some back story on one of the universes youngest villains and hints about things to comes. Featuring moments with Joanna Osip, The Black Friar, and The Dead Of Nechiansmere.
A new issue of Tin Universe Monthly is uploaded and ready to read for free on the 22nd of every month throughout 2014. Tin Universe monthly is a short story, vignette, flash fiction series that explores and uncovers the wider Tin Universe leading up to and between books.
Someone is zombifying athletes at Clear Cut High School in Utah. Lucky the school has its own young superhero in the person of Mildred Betbeze to try and figure out what's going on. Pep rallies, cheerleaders, new kids in the neighborhood are just some of things our hero and her sidekick slash best friend Aisha have to deal with in the first book in Tin Universe's new middle grade series.

Brian Leakage from abandoned buildings and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to Perler Beads