A good thing happen to me a year ago in June. I got a job. I had been out of work for a long time. A really long time. Long enough for to actually get to the point of writing a cook book themed on one of my stories.
It will be a glorious day when that sees the light of day.
During that time of no work I went through a phase of not writing, to writing more, to writing and putting out more art and projects than any other time in my life.
I had to. It keep me sane.
Before the job I had planned 2014 as a huge year of releases and it was, and I learned so much, and it was hard but worth it.
Before the job I had planned to fill 2015 every single moment with more writing, more projects, more art.
But now I have a job, Holy Shit, I have a job and I have insurance and I needed it and I need to use it because there is shit that needs to be addressed so I will be around for years to release more dips into my brain through words and images; so I decided a couple weeks ago to put almost all my projects on hold for any planned releases and focus on a few projects.
Tin Universe Daily will continue until the end of the year. I'm really learning how to focus in, focus on doing this series because any writer will tell you the smaller circle you have for telling a story it makes you learn, adapt, and work your ass off to get your point across, to tell the story you want to tell. After the end of the year I will probably decide to not do another year of it but you never know also.
I will also continue Tin Universe Monthly and in December Tin Universe Middle Grade Series #3 will be released.
I might even do NaNoWriMo again this year but I'm not pressuring myself.
I needed to write this entry to let the people who have been following series like The Collected, God Mark, The Original Sin, and or any of my other series know a couple things. The biggest is a huge thank you for downloading, reading, letting me know how you feel about the stories, and that I will continue these series. When I finish writing a story for one of the series it will be right there in an update on this site or mentioned on my
Facebook, or
Tumblr. These other universes might also pop up as backup in Tin Universe Monthly also. Thanks all for understanding and I hope I continue to get better with each story I write and I hope there are more and more people along for the journey with me.

Time To Pull Back A Bit