Monday, June 18, 2007


There is a inconsistent truth in this incoherent world and people wonder why I'm raving crazy at times. Hell, keep that little white trash bikini on, pull down that beer stained wife beater, and lets talk for a bit America. No matter who you are be you liberal leaning far to the left and ready to tip over, conservative leaning far to the right ready to tip over also, or just some whacked out nutter (that's a shout out to my Texas peeps) if you honestly belive that the people in control of our government right now are stirring this country to the best direction for your children Mr. Christian Right or your children Ms. Hippy Left or even your children Family Crazy then I'm not the one who should feel at times like checking himself into a padded cell for a break. You need the break because you are not living in reality. That's my Monday rant for the week. Let it chill in the frig for a while then pre-heat at 12hundred until brown.

Responses to comments left here and elsewhere,
Now we need something as a pair. Your the story book sketch and I'm the dead parrot sketch..Wonder what that says about us?

Does he have that sort of nature. Interesting???? Interesting???? Oh, and I think his older fan here is stalking him. She saw him out somewhere. Small world? Or is John future locked in basement Cathy Bates style??

Was corresponding a little with P or as I nicknamed her Touch over the weekend on Live Journal. I was on that system for a really long time before taking a long break from the Internet in total for a few years and actually have a new Live Journal account here now but I haven't did much of anything with it as of yet. I would like to do some kind of feed thing from here to post there but I do not know how to do that and too lazy at the moment to look up how to do it.

On this other computer I'm having to rediscover all of my links that I have found over time. I could transfer them over but this is more enjoyable I think.

New Orleans Seeks Foreign Aid To Help Rebuild City
And finally, New Orleans is turning to foreign aid to help rebuild the city nearly two years after Hurricane Katrina. The city is talking to more than five countries because the federal government in Washington has been so slow in sending assistance. As of last week, the city said it had received just over half of the $320 million FEMA has obligated for rebuilding the city.
Foreign Aid
Where is Lee Greenwood to start singing when you need him.

The guy is a media whore but at least he gets people asking questions.

See Hillary
Mar may find this interesting. I personal think no one would find her a good candidate if she was not a women. And again my opinion but I think she is sort of a side show of "Could it happen?" "Would you vote for her?" type thing. If I could actually belive what she says? If she would actually stand firm on issues? If I did not belive she would jump skip on promises at the drop of a hat? Then I might think about voting for her. Any one who votes for her just because she is a women are playing with fire. But then again it is the fire of politics as politicians like, Don't look at me for issues look at my smile, my family, my faith, my lack of faith, my strong jaw, my stand like a big dick, my walking around as a women because hey, I'm a women. Danger Will Robinson. Does the person matter or the sex? I don't care if your a fucking red assed spider monkey ready to attack the office interns as they stand at the copiers just please be someone who is not raping this country. Because that is what is happening now. And I used the word rape because of how harsh that word is and what it represents.

His Name
Anything would be better than my name. Not that I want to or even think of getting married anytime soon. Who would marry me? Come on. Plus, I don't want to marry Mar, she crazy and I can't fucking put up with anyone else for more than a few hours but her.

testicle attack
Ok, Mar. Forget everything if I just pissed you off with above. Don't hurt the little ones :(

with Reality?
Hey, did anyone else know our Presidents a dick?

Boy band mogul
"Boy band mogul" There is something different about that statement but I just can't put me finger in...on?...Oh, yea, just a little gay.

Brevard Has Most Manatee Deaths In Florida
Brevard also seems to have a high quantity of assholes also. Reaching for the stars they are around these parts.

Tainted Toothpaste Found In Florida
Hey, I've been smart and did not even know it.

Oh, and to end my pissed of mood for today. The next person I hear call someone a "skirt" or "that women" or "one of those people" or something like that in referring to someone at work I may use my computer mouse for a purpose it was not designed for but would meet my goal of dishing out just a wee bit of pain unto others.

Remember, Not knowing how you are is no excuse for not being who you are,

1 comment:

Marlena said...

Shit son! She ripped his testicle off with her bare hands?

I'm torn between Clinton and Obama. The thing is, Hilary has been a very good proponent of pro-choice legislation and has done some good things. Unfortunately she is now acting like a lot of the dickhead politicians that she says she'll replace. NOW's PAC officially endorsed her (because of the historical nature of her candidacy). Barrack seems good too. He's got some good positions (I don't agree with his civil unions but not gay marriage stance) and he is against the war. The thing is he is untested. He can get away with saying he is against the war because there is no record, but that also means inexperience. Aggh.