Monday, June 4, 2007


Hello Internet. How are you today? Do you hear the sounds of change coming? I thought maybe you would since I have two computers on my desk. Well, I guess I will just ride them out and see what happens.

Billy needs to exercise his little gray cells because this job is turning them into little gray puddles of goo. Like the goo you find on the bottom of your shoe sometimes and wonder how anything could look like gooey.

I loved the weekend, the weekend was great. Heaven I wonder why? Oh, yea, I did not have to fucking work for once and had some days off. Though the main reason was not,not working and I do not care how wrong it is to write "not, not." Having the chance to spend good time with Wave and we did not do anything remotely eventful such as even small eventful like attending a movie. We ate together, shopped together, sleep together, laughed together, punched each other in the arms until bruises came up, and had great sex. And yes in that order. I want more weekends like that. I think I will nailed a little note saying as such on God's back with an arrow head tipped nail just so he does not forget I was there.

I have some other creative projects besides the novel developing right now but wish not to speak of such things until they get going because the 'You should not speak of such things until they are finished elf's will get angry.' Lets just saying even starting more creative universes makes my soul feel better. The book itself is moving along slowly with all the hours I put in at the day job I have to prioritize what things I do in my limited spare time and top of the list is spending time with loved ones and it always shall be with me for the rest of my life. Those I loved be them friends or lovers or even strangers who may become one or the other or maybe even both are one of the most important things to me. I have let friends drift out of my life because of working too much on many things and I will not let that happen again.

FUCK!!! I forgot to take out the garbage. Billy is going to hit up side the head tonight and not in the good, "Say my name Bitch!" sort of way he likes either. I don't really like that though. It would make me cry. Sorry, Wave. I'm a dumbass and went back to bed after you called and almost over sleep.


"I've read the Bible, I've read Dylan,
And I'm reading people now
Because it's much more chilling" - - Our Lady Peace


Marlena said...

It's ok...the bag wasn't really full anyway. I didn't get to any of the stuff I needed to either. Well, I did buy toilet paper lol.

My stomach hurts. I wish you were here to kiss it. That makes me feel better.

Anonymous said...

Punching leads to sex? lol Interesting.