Wednesday, August 8, 2007


Finished reading the last Harry Potter book last night and even though many around me are saying they did not like it because of many reasons, I did enjoy the book. I agree it is not the best of the books and maybe the least of over all quality but endings very seldom live up to their hype. It dragged for most of it in my opinion and she tried so hard to do so much with the last book but the last five or so chapters made up for it. I found I was right about a number of things I guessed after Half-Blood Prince and look forward to the next place this writer chooses to explore.

Now I’m starting THE ASTONISHING ADVENTURES OF FANBOY AND GOTH GIRL by Barry Lyga. Hey, with a title like that it deserved to be in all caps. I already see a lot of comic geekdom references in it but lets see if it is more than that. Oh, and I’m the Court Jester of that ‘dom by the way.

Remember not knowing who you are is no excuse for not being who you are,

1 comment:

Katie said...

I loved the last Harry Potter, even with the mushy ending, I thought it was perfect... and I can even admit that the middle dragged. But still... it's the last one so you have to love it no matter what!

OOO, the next one your reading sounds good. I'll have to look it up. :)