Friday, January 4, 2008

THE TITLE IS: Stupid Post....

....and an even stupider survey for your pleasures.

-FAVORITE TELEVISION SHOW(HAVE TO START SOMEWHERE): Doctor Who is the bomb like Phantom...or was that Phamtoms? Wave, correct for..?..Correctiveiness.

-MY MOST DANGROUS HABIT: Trying to make my brain boil from my hack writing. Other wise known as suicide by dream.

-WHAT DO YOU THINK OF GOD: I wonder what her address is?

-NEW ADDICTION I ENJOY: The library but then again that is an old one coming back into my life.

-BEST SHARP OBJECT: My pencil. Good for arm, writing, eye, and old people stabing.

-BEST COMIC BOOK WRITER: That dude writing Captain America without Captain America. Hell, I thought that would go over like a Clone Saga but I was wrong. Best story telling in any media this year period.

-BEST PORN STAR: Grog, He's mine Robin!

-THING THAT GIVES YOU SHIVERS: Joe Quesada and Hillary Clinton with power.

-THING THAT ASKS YOU A QUESTION: Why I keep writing is a big one. The most fear filled thing for me outside sex.

-BEST GIMP: The little doggie on House.

-JOB YOU WOULD TAKE: Pizza Hut dish washer, sewage worker, janitor, or just to say any non suitish job.

-JOB YOU WANT: Something that pays some of the bills, buys some Doctor Who stuff, and rents a few hotel rooms for sex filled hotel visits.

-ONE WISH: Same since I was five. To write a Doctor Who story with BBC on it somewhere to make it seem real to me.

-FAVORITE TOYS: Those that viberate and make those I love smile.

Here is to another interesting year.

(c)brian c. williams

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