Thursday, March 13, 2008


I did not get much writing done yesterday or today for that matter. I mostly just did some hand scratchings and looked through the Previews catalog for this month. I did these Herc..Hercu.....well, you know, those types of hard tasks while watching british comdies from my collection. Man, me and time managment, we are not snuggle bunnies that's for sure. I work so much better with deadlines and before anyone says it, yes I try to set my own deadlines but it doesn't work the same way into my brain.

Though during all the Ab Fab jokes and wishful window shopping through Previews an idea popped into my head that would be a shade of a King Arthur sort of short story. I think this is turning out as my year of pleasuring my short story muses. Poor dears, they have waited so paitenly for such a long time. Oh, and my Muses are in no way all female. Just thought I would mentioned that. One of these days I'm going to give some love to the Muse in charge of my spelling abilities but right now I think she is locked up in some sort of place of rest for having to deal with me.

...scribble, scribble, scribble....sigh...I need better drugs. I need drugs. Just kidding...I can't afford drugs. Caffeine, sugar, PM's, I need a bloody trank to get me to sleep after using everything else that I can get at a 7-11 to get me through my days. My health is like a rollercoster of feeling like shit and feeling good. I need something like Redbull to keep me awake and for someone to invent something called Deadbull maybe to help me sleep.

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