Thursday, March 20, 2008


I am very angry right now. Probably as angry as I have ever been and mostly at myself for feeling great about things before I should. Though I'm also angry at a goverment system that tries to make the every day worker prove how hard they worked and companies only have to prove they DIDN'T ACTUALLY KILL ANYONE. "Give us proof they did not pay." The proof is in my ass not having the money. "Give us proof they did you wrong." Well I don't have any whipping scars from the job but...I see. Ok. I'll just walk away now and take my place for thinking you are actually there to look out for people like me.

oH, and I wrote a short story the other day which I really liked but after re-reading it I see it really does not fit in any place I could submitt it to which doesn't require a fee when you do so.

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