Monday, January 22, 2007


I watched this years Doctor Who Christmas episode and going into it after reading a lot of mostly negative reviews I found myself surprised. I really enjoyed it. I like the run around part of it. The TARDIS chase was something out of my childhood dreams. The comedy was good, I enjoyed the creature, and I loved this look at the darker side of David Tennant’s Doctor and the fact that The Doctor was changed by The Time Wars. The Christopher Eccleston Doctor was a solider after a war and Tennant’s in a way, in my view is like one living on the edge a little who needs friends around to hold his mind in the proper frame of thinking so to speak. A lonely Doctor now is a very dangerous Doctor.
I hope they never show The Time War though unless it was to somehow show the 8th Doctor played by Paul McGann. Though to be honest I do not believe the creative talents behind the scenes will ever do that. A flash back could take place without taking away from the mystery power that The Time Wars are to the series. Don’t see it ever happening though. Maybe in a official book or audio but not on TV.

I bought the second season set by the way at Best Buy. Have not watched it yet but there is a Doctor Who marathon in the future. Wonder if I have enough burritos for it? Poor, poor Wave to have to put up with me.

I saw something on the news today that stated in the news story that more older people are taking anti-depressants now than ever before. They are worried about the elderly being depressed. They aren’t depressed, their old. They walk around every day with Death nipping at their heals. How would you fucking feel. They don’t need Prozac, they need Opinium in small but enjoyable doses. Did I spell Opinium right? Forget it. Sometimes wish I had some though.
And below may make old people really depressed. Old radicals.

In Pennsylvania, Secret Service agents questioned an 81-year-old man on Thursday after he wrote a letter to the editor criticizing Saddam Hussein's execution. In the letter, Dan Tilli, wrote "they hanged the wrong man." The Secret Service agents searched his house and took photos of him before deciding he was not a threat.
Democracy NOW!
This is just about as ridicules as when the government investigated the Goth movement as a threat to the country…People say I live in a fantasy world like it’s a insult. Damm right I do. That shit going on out there scares me.

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) : "This resolution is basically a vote of no confidence in the men and women we're sending over there. We're saying we're not going to stop you from going there but we don't believe you can succeed and we're not willing to support that. I don't think the troops would find that an expression of support."
Democracy NOW!
I’m starting to really not like John McCain. Really Mr. McCain. Don’t think the troops would like that do you? I respect your combat service for our country but fuzzy thinking is MESSED UP! I don’t think the troops who have died would appreciate the fact that they went there and died because of lies or that our President is more willing to go through with what he believes to make a point, to try and make people see he was right all along, and do that with the lives of those serving in the military now, no matter what anyone else thinks.
I have friends and family in the military Mr. McCain. I don’t wish them to die because no one in this fucking countries political system has the balls to say they fucked up. They sent good women and men to die for revenge, politics, oil, racism, and so our President, Mr. Anointed Of God could stick his dick out as some sort of power symbol of how mighty America is and say to everyone in The Middle East, ‘See, See how big it is!’
Yes, We see. You’re a Big Dick.

Written at the pay the rent job,

1 comment:

Marlena said...

I'll make sure you have adequate sustinance for the Doctor Who marathon. Now I feel like a dork for being such a big Simpsons freak.