Monday, March 3, 2008


From Occasional Superheroine today came a list called Misogyny A Go-Go. This is a look at at quite a few post on Misogyny in the comic book industry. I think everyone should read these if you are a feminist, comic book fan, have been a comic book fan, or have ever really thought about being one or just saw one of those crappy Batman movies they made inbetween Keaton and Bale.

See the thing with me is if one or two of those things happen every once in a while I think you would have to say, "Must be an ass drawing that or desgining this." but these are pretty wide spread and happen a hell of a lot. Not just in comics though, throughout the entertainment industry, but when you look at a smaller industry such as comics and it is small compared to the film industry then you have to say, What the fuck is going on? When I see something like this Supergirl statue I first think. You are covering up the Superman symbol you dumbasses, Where's your marketing department, out buying crack? But I also think, a little over sexualized there, a bit, maybe? Could be pushing away female buyers. You know the women are allowed to buy things these day too? It seems like no one is asking these questions within these companies or if they are they are being drowned over.

May the dollars you don't get from the people you push down be the ones that put you out of businese.

See I had no problem with this. Just my opinion but this make me think and for once there was a high priced statue I did not have the money for which I did not feel about being poor and not having the money for.

I'm not going to go into all the links but think about this. All of those are fairly recent. All of those have basically been glossed over by the companies. I might be mistaken but I don't think one word of, "We are sorry. We made a mistake. We see how this could hurt some people." came out of anyones lips. These are instances against women. If it had been racial there would have been editors fired or at least a fake, "We are sorry." letter. When women are part of the buying and working populus of a industry and that industry can not even be fake sorry about what they are presenting then you have to truly ask yourslef how far does their insensitivity, disrepect, and hatred of women go?


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