I will try and make this a quick entry but it will not be, but, so, that is how my brain spins as it starts the thinking process. I cleaned out out the links in my bookmarked to read later and now I need to clean out my brain because the world is a dirty dirty toaster of unhumanity. Yes, I typed "unhumanity", get over it, it's my word.
I'm knee deep in several writing projects and deciding which one I should drown myself in to get it out into the world. Will it be the detective story? Will it be the YA book I'm waiting to hear back from a writing partner about? Will it be the next book in the Tin Universe PDF Series? Or will it be something I just make up on the fly and go from page one to The End, from one thought to the last without thinking? Who knows, but I do need to make that choice fast because floating around from one book to another makes me sort of feel like a....I don't know, unwashed politician out for cash?
I counted up and last year I wrote 39863words that ended up as completed works. Not a very good number and though some of these stories were written last year, they did not appear until this year for others to read. The year started off good with
Stereo my first completed book, which can be downloaded for the low low price of $4.00. I know some people do not consider that published but if a webcomic can be considered published, then why can't a webbook? So I didn't kill a tree family for it live, sue me.
Then off to a submission to a short story collection that was rejected. At the same time I left my old job and thus emo moments followed. I really need to get back into the submission grove again. My problem is everything I start work on I think could be a book and I have to get over that insanity.
After the short story came
Deeper Roses To Fall which was a old small story I pulled out, re-looked-at and you can down load it for free. It's sort of a romance story.
Next we have
Mexican Coffee which is another brief story, this one set in the universe where basically all of my self-published stories will exist. This was a experiment gone crazy into some writers madness of writers canon wank. Believe me that is the only way to describe it.
And we will leave last year behind with my failed ongoing chapter series
According To Testing which was a free pdf series with a chapter added to it each week. I may return to this some day but not now.
I mention all of this not to pimp my writing though if you want to pay money for anything related to me go
here. N.A.V.L.P. is still in its beta stages online but it all goes to a good cause with the attacks happening on our library systems during these bad financial times we need more projects to help out. Just remember library services are for the most part free and without them a lot of people will never find the joy of reading, internet usage, movies, or community. No matter what in my life, I will be happy if this project turns out to be something special to the world around me daily.
Now off to turn the air on, do dishes, and do some writing.