Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Never Enough Questions

Found out last night online that SCI-FI CHANNEL will be re-broadcasting DOCTOR WHO: CHRISTMAS INVASION on Christmas day, which is nice because I missed that episode when it first came out. After the marathon on Friday and seeing this on Christmas day the only episode of season two which I still need to see which I haven’t yet is NEW EARTH. I guess I will have to wait until March when the DVD set of Season Two comes out for that one.
While others seem to have a problem with David Tennant as The Doctor, which is understandable coming off the great work Christopher Eccleston did in season one, but I really enjoy his Doctor and hope he will stay in the role for seasons to come. Wave says he looks like a bug eyed rat but I think he just looks alien and a little nuts, which is…?…sort of a good fit for that role.
Searching through OUTPOST GALLIFREY just now I came across information that on Jan. 12th 07 there will be another DOCTOR WHO marathon on SCI-FI CHANNEL which will cover the episodes- NEW EARTH, TOOTH AND CLAW, SCHOOL REUNION, THE GIRL IN THE FIREPLACE, RISE OF THE CYBERMEN, THE AGE OF STEEL, ARMY OF GHOSTS, and DOOMSDAY…..well, between all these marathons I will get to see all of Season Two and probably drive Wave nuts watching so much DOCTOR WHO.
I hope I do not get called in on Friday because I just want to watch Doctor Who all day, eat pizza, and rest from being so sick. I think my phone my run out of minutes before Friday and I will not be able to get to a store to get a top up card for it…yes, that is a plan…….

1 comment:

Cee said...

This from the lady who can quote The Simpsons word for word :)