Lets start the week with a little survey thingee. I was going to post this as a bulletin on my MySpace but I could not get it to work with me. Fucking Fox.
1) Some random girl comes up to you and says "Hey what's your name?" You say?
Brian, I hate it but it has walked with me along all my roads in this life.
2) What's the last thing you put in your mouth?
I woke up at 10am and took two Nighttime PM’s
3) What does your last text message say?
It was from someone who I love deeply who life has been attacking a lot of late. I love you Wave.
4) The last song you listened to?
Hurt, the Johnny Cash version.
5) If you hated someone and got put in charge of their funeral music, what would you play?
Worthless Winter. It’s a song a friend of mine wrote and I have always thought it would be the perfect song for a hatred funeral. If she gives me permission I will post the lyrics here one day.
6) Where is your best friend right now?
At work.
7) What did you do yesterday?
Mostly rode co-pilot as Mar drove back from Miami.
8) Pick a scar on your body - what did you do?
Burned myself when I worked at Boston Market.
9) What teacher have you hated most and why?
Mr. Nash, my high school principal. He told me I was stupid and that I should quit school. I told him to fuck himself when he handed me my diploma. He died two months after graduation. I smiled.
10) How old is your mom?
I have no idea actually, to be honest. I love my family but we are not close.
12) What do you think really happened to Steve from Blue's Clues?
I have a little birdy that says some guy at B&N took his shirt and Steve has been tracking him down every since then.
13) Last time you were dumped?
If you mean just dating? high school. I’ve only had two serious relationships. One just drifted away in sorts and the other is my current torrid love affair with a Liberian.
14) Who's your most religious friend?
The Queen probably
15) Who do you trust with your life?
My Soul Friends. When I get to the point were I call you friend then I trust you with my life. This is one of the reasons that I do not have many friends and two that it takes me so long to develop friendships. My Soul Friends are: Mo, Alia Sun, July, Oracle, Brave Summers, Ghost, Speede, Tankgirl, Wave, Ms. Sands, Calm, Touch, and Bird. I give all my friends nicknames.
16) If you could change your name to anything what would it be?
Justice… What?
17) What would you say if someone told you were the most beautiful person in the world and they would do anything to wake up to your face each and every morning?
I would look them straight in the eyes, open my mouth, and say, “Dude, no front teeth.”
18) What do you hate about your school?
Well, my school right now is inside my own head so I hate all the cobwebs hanging around.
19) How often do you curse?
Not often in my writing, quite often inside my head, and a little in real life.
20) Do you trust all of your friends?
My Soul Friends yes. Common friends no.
21) Would you move to another state or country to be with the one you love?
Did so. I do not regret doing it either even though things did not work out with that person. I have a friendship from it and it has lead me to where I am today which is probably the best state of mind in my life.
22.) Have you ever talked on the phone while in the shower?
Nope. Not really a big phone person.
23) Name two things you would NOT tolerate in a relationship?
Uninformed cheating and abuse.
24) Which one of your friends do you think would make the best prostitute?
I’ll think on this……?
25) Are you afraid of falling in love?
Nope. I have been in love four times.
26) Is there someone that popped in your mind after that question?
27) Would you stop talking to your friends because you hooked up with a new person?
Did it once. Distanced myself from everyone and its not worth it.
28) What features do you find most attractive in the opposite/same sex?
Smiles on both men and women and also intelligence in both.
29) Fill in the blank. I love_____
30) What is a goal you would like to accomplish in the near future?
I want to have at least two books published by the end of 08.
31) If you were to wake up from being in a coma for an extended time who would you call?
I would go online to check on Doctor Who news. Ask my loved ones. They will tell you this probably isn’t a joke : )
32) How many kids do you want to have?
Zero from my blood but if I found myself with the money to support a child in a healthy environment I would like to adopt some day.
33) Would you make a good parent?
Ask others. I don’t really think so.
34) Where was your default picture taken?
At our apartment.
35) What is your middle name?
Clifton. It’s my dads middle name, his fathers middle name, and his fathers.
36) Honestly, what's on your mind right now?
Having to take nighttime PMS to make the start of the days is probably not a good thing.
37) If you could go back in time and change something, what would it be?
Nothing. I am the sum of my memories as The Doctor once said.
38) Shoe size?
I think 9?
39) What are you wearing right now?
Wide fronts and a t-shirt.
40) Righty or Lefty?
41) Can you make a dollar in change right now?
42) Best place to eat?
43) Favorite jeans?
My favorite jeans no longer fit me.
44) Favorite animal?
45) Favorite juice?
Apple, though it makes my tummy hurt.
46) Have you had the chicken pox?
Yes. They had to take me to the hospital and strap me down I was scratching myself so deep when I had them.
47) Have you had a sore throat?
Yes but not from anything fun: )
48) Ever had plastic surgery?
Nope but I would in a second if I had the money.
49) Who knows you the best?
My old friend Sara seemed to always be able to look past all my forms of bullshit. Mar knows me better than anyone in so many ways.
50) Do you wear contact lenses or glasses?
No but I’m suppose to wear glasses for reading and sunlight protection.
51) Ever been in a fight with your pet?
Don’t have one.
52) Been to Mexico?
Legally? No.
53) Did you buy something yesterday?
No, Mar bought me tickets to see Shoot’em Up. A great escape movie.
54) Did you get sick today?
Already, yes. Most days I wake up about to throw up.
55) Did you miss anyone today?
I miss Mar.
56) Did you get in a fight with someone today?
Not yet but keep the fingers crossed.
57) When is the last time you liked someone?
I like lots of people, I love a small group of people, you could not measure how many people I hate though and hate like love does not come easy to me. I have just meet a lot of worthless people in my life.
58) Last person to lay in your bed?
Me. Hotel beds are so much better.
59) Last person to see you cry?
60) Who/what made you cry?
Not being able to give the person I love most in this world something special for her birthday because I was weak.
62) What are your plans for the weekend?
I don’t think I have any plans? Hopefully starting a new job or hanging out with friends.
63) Who do you think will repost this?
Don’t care.
64) Are you happy right now?
Yea, actually, sort of?
65) Drunk dialer or texter?
Neither. I hardly ever get drunk.
66) Are you hungry?
Yep. I need a steak but they are trying to kill me.
67) Are you a forgiving person?
Professionally, socially, yes but I always remember. Personally for the most part yes but….well, as the old saying goes, “Don’t mistake kindness for weakness.”
68) Would you ever share a girl/boyfriend with your best friend?
Depends totally on the situation.
69) Have you lost a friend recently?
My Soul Friends at times just drift out of my life. That’s just how living individual lives works.
70) Are you talking to someone while doing this?
Only a character in a story I am working on.
71) Do you want a relationship right now?
Have one. Love her very much.
72) What are you about to do right now?
Well, when this throw up headache feeling goes away I want to clean up the apartment and clean out the refrigerator.
73) Would you hug your most recent ex?
Yea if she needed it.
Remember not knowing who you are is no excuse for not being who you are,
As always if you have any comments you wish to make by e-mail you can contact me by:
If you wish for me to keep your name and information private please let me know so in the e-mail.
Brian C. Williams