We watched Iron Man and The Incredible Hulk last night. Still love Iron Man so much but I'll say something here that I've argued with friends over and over about this point- The Incredible Hulk wasn't a terrible movie. What it was, was a movie that didn't need to be made. It felt when it came out and still feels like they made largely the same movie as the first one. The only real purpose this movie had was to fit in references that would tie into the other Marvel movie line. People say Wolverine Origins and Captain America were made to tie in, and I disagree those movies stood on their own, but I will say the only purpose whatsoever for The Incredible Hulk was a look ahead to the future and the Avengers movie.
Oh, and my favorite between the Hulk and the Incredible Hulk was the Hulk. At least Ang Lee saw that a Hulk movie needed something different in its look or it was just going to be a lazy in story boring action film. Hulk has and always will be a better fit as a TV show. Hell, if you write well crafted stories the Hulk wouldn't even have to be in every episode. Bruce Banner as a character is a very interesting one but with a big blockbuster movie people want blockbuster payout and unless you turn it into a disaster film, which I think is the only way to go with a Hulk movie, then you will fail.
I didn't even open my laptop over the weekend. I needed to get away from the computer and writing so bad that being away felt so great because when I picked up a notebook to write for a few minutes last night after Mar went to bed it was a glorious feeling. You just need to step back sometimes. But with that having been said I still need another day or two to finish off Chaos Read #5 which was due to release today. I hate missing deadlines. I'm sorry to anyone who was waiting to read it today. I'll have that ready to upload by the end of the week for sure.
On to more serious subjects, I didn't play Madden 11 Sunday so no Monday Madden 11 update on my team the Richmond Bulldawgs. I'll play their third pre-season game this coming Sunday and update on the following Monday.
Sometimes even if it makes more work for you later you need to step away from things before said weaknesses in said things that are a huge part of your life drive you off the cliff you may have been standing near. Stated with more clarity- My stupid was getting the best of me.
This week for me will mainly be filled with finishing up Chaos Read and trying to get our apartment organized. I need to get my writing area streamlined. To actually use the filing cabinet we have will be a good start. To organize my reference materials. Then after I get my stuff straight I will tackle Mar's crafting area and then the rest of the apartment. Need to get these tasks started to see what I need to do more in the future to keep us from almost drowning in our own mess.
Again no regrets on taking a weekend off from everything but I am behind now. I hope to get the chance go to Free Comic Book Day at my local comic shop Famous Faces And Funnies. They always have a great FCBD but even if I can't attend the day I'm going to head there a day or two after to pick up some trades I've been looking forward to reading. And always remember your local comic shop pays for those "free comics", they don't get them for free; so make sure when you attend the event to buy something.
I do know one thing about this week I'm going to see the Avengers because even though it might be tough for me to miss one of my favorite holidays, FCBD, I'm not going to miss something I'm been waiting for all my life.
*throws up geek gang sign*
I wanted to write a really short blog update today. That sure didn't happen.