{FDA: Cloned Food Safe for Consumption
Here in the United States, the Food and Drug Administration has concluded milk and meat from cloned animals is safe to eat and can be sold on the US market. The ruling will face a public comment period before it’s up for final approval. Consumer and animal-rights groups are already planning a public challenge.
You know first hearing this story I thought I would have a lot to say about it… but for some reason I just don’t? I have just caught myself sitting shaking my head wondering how far the human ego will go without really very much thought in the steps we are taking the footprint which maybe left behind years down the road.
And before anyone goes off on me about how this could help world hunger…The bullshit facts are, is, and always have been that would hunger would be stopped in a year if the powerful and the rich really wanted it to. Cloned animals, Bono on TV…whatever. People really do not give a shit and that is why people are starving in many third world nations and quite a few in the one I live in right now. it’s a matter of social, class, and race.
And I will end with this. Do you really think if thousands of fucking white kids where dying daily of starvation and shown on TV in lets say Paris this issue would still be hanging around years later?
Backing off from that rant. This is a Friday night and it is a pretty slow one at the pay the rent job so I will be mostly working on paperwork to have something to do, to at least get my 8hrs in. My next check will not be that great with the holidays and me working at a job which does not pay for holidays off but that was not where I was going with these thoughts. Here it was looking like I could get a 4 day weekend because of New Years and how slow we are but my boss has me as the only person in the shop working Tuesday, we get Monday off for New Years, and he called me when I first got into work and was asking about me working Sunday. Now, I’m normally not this way but I really really really need to get drunk on Sunday in the most senseless, stupid, unintelligent sort of reasoning behind that need.
But enough about the day job, what else is going in LIFE ACCORDING TO BRIAN LAND? Wave is calling setting up people for a little New Years get together Sunday, hence the whole getting drunk on Sunday speech, and I hope all of our good friends can attend. Those few really good friends we have are good people and it is always nice to have them around.
Another of our friends is trapped in Texas. This is one of those accusations when it would be really nice to have more money, then I would fly all of us down there and surprise her but I’m not of the big bills as some of the young kids like to say so I think I will e-mail her tonight to say a long winded hi and I am very capable of writing a long winded hi…reason I have a blog and can write every day and say nothing at all.
Did I actually say, “as some of the young kids like to say.” Man I sound so old sometimes.
Our friend in Texas was going to be one of the major players in the WIN Project collection I was working on with Brevard NOW but it does not look like that project will be going forward. And hey, for once a project did not tank because of my stupidity. Divorces, men acting like kids, depressions, people moving on to other things, all shot that down but one of these days I would really like to work with Sky on some kind of project. I really like the way she thinks and think we could come up with something really good to piss off a lot of people.
Found another short story collection to submit something for last night. Something for April. I will be trying to get out at least one writing submission each month of 07, I am almost finished with the one for January and have a April as I spoke of earlier but now to find places to bombard with my writing for the other months of the year. I think a trip to Barnes & Noble is needed, then again trips to bookstores are always on my daily wish list of things I want to do. They are my churches…..Bookstores and Best Buy!!!
Written from the day job,