SUNDAY! SUNDAY! SUNDAY! Why the FUCK! Am I here on a Sunday?
From Work Whining To Responses To Comments Left:I like the sounds you make as I crawl into bed with you and how you never remember in the morning that we had thirty minute conversations before I go to sleep.
Geek Speak:This is cool. Go check it out. And if you get the chance check out Scott Mccouds books. If you are a writer, philosopher, film maker, photographer, artist of any sort, or just someone who can think past the 10 o’clock news you should read
this and
this and
this. The last being the link to the Mccloud family tour of North America. Scott is giving lectures with his whole family going along and I missed him when he was down in Florida but would very much like to hear him speak one day. If you go
here you will find links to Winterviews. Video Interviews by the talented young ladies of the family. I have always wanted to do something like this and hope some day to get the chance. Not as in giving a lecture tour because who would want to hear me ramble but just travel the country meeting interesting and talented people.
This is a new page on The Digital Bits site. If you find yourself being a big DVD addict this might be a good daily DVD fix. Even more so if you can not afford most things you wish to buy like myself but at least you can window shop looking at the covers of the latest releases.
Free Stuff.Back To Reality:This might be a good research site. Just found it and will have to study it over later. Putting here so I don’t forget about it.
And In The News:When Picasso Went Down to Georgia Are you a artist, writer, or free minded person with opinions? Speak. We are losing ground and sometimes I think most do not care enough to say one word that could stop things if each of us said it-No!
Bush Seeks to Send $500M of Arms to Iraq
Meanwhile the Bush administration has announced plans to sell Iraq about a half-billion dollars of new arms. The sale will include about 400 million rounds of small-arms ammunition, 170,000 grenades, demolition explosives and other military gear.
Democracy NOW!Ok. Sense when did people in Iraq need more weapons? If we are going to be there for a long haul because of The Administrations lack of backbone before and during the war then what needs to be fixed is a understructure of health, food, jobs, and every day life. I see this as a plan for the beginning of the withdrawal. The government is seeing that the American people want out and they will basically say, “Here’s some guns, go do your thing, we are outte.” Well, maybe they will not say outte and maybe I spelled outte incorrectly but you get my point don’t you?
Survey: More than 1/3 of U.S. Soldiers in Iraq Approve of Torture
A new Army survey has found that more than one-third of U.S. soldiers in Iraq said they believe torture should be allowed in some cases. In addition, about two-thirds of Marines and half the Army troops surveyed said they would not report a team member for mistreating a civilian or for destroying civilian property unnecessarily. The Army survey found that less than half of the soldiers polled believed that non-combatants should be treated with dignity and respect. And 10 percent of the troops said they had personally mistreated civilians in Iraq. Nearly 1800 troops took part in the survey. Acting Army Surgeon Maj. Gen. Gale Pollock characterized the report as positive news. He told reporters: “What it speaks to is the leadership that the military is providing, because they're not acting on those thoughts. They're not torturing the people.”
Democracy NOW!Ok. So a high school kid in this country can have charges put against him for writing in a journal about committing acts of needless violence but we are not worried that soldiers think torture is ok?
Girth and Nudity, a Pictorial Mission A talented well spoken man.
U.S. Blocks UN Visit to Texas Immigration Prison
The U.S. government has blocked a United Nations expert from visiting a jail in Texas where the U.S. is holding up to 400 immigrants including children and asylum seekers. The U.N. Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants, Jorge Bustamante, is in the middle of a three-week fact-finding mission to examine how immigrants are being treated in the United States. Bustamante had planned on visiting the Hutto immigration facility in Taylor Texas today but his visit has been blocked by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Earlier this year, the American Civil Liberties Union filed a federal lawsuit on behalf of 12 children detained at the Hutto facility, charging that the children are subject to inhumane treatment.
Democracy NOW!Remember on the news when this shit was always happening some place else? The U.N. was investigating others countries human right violations and the U.S. was always all, “You have to let them in for the good of these peoples lives.” ? ? ? Where do I live now?
FLOATING CANADIANSAnother reason to live in Canada. I can be light in my loafers and be just like everyone else.
Religious Groups Launch “New Sanctuary Movement” for Immigrants Facing Deportation
A coalition of religious groups has launched a campaign to offer sanctuary to immigrant families who risk being seperated under the threat of deportation. Members of the “New Sanctuary Movement” say they will open their churches, mosques and synagogues to shelter families facing deportation orders. At least six congregations in Los Angeles, New York, Seattle and San Diego will harbor one family each.
Democracy NOW!That’s being all you can be.
Clearly, Frankly, Unabashedly Disabled Am I wrong for thinking that is just one fucking hot picture?
CBS Fires Iraq General for Anti-War Ad
In media news, CBS has dismissed an Iraq war veteran over his involvement in an ad campaign criticizing the war. General John Batiste appears in an ad from the group VoteVets dot org. Batiste has been working as a CBS News consultant.
Democracy NOW!That’s not good for ratings son.
Limbaugh Criticized for Racially-Charged Obama Song
The right-wing talk show host Rush Limbaugh is coming under criticism for airing a song about Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama called “Barack the Magic Negro.” The song has played on Limbaugh’s program in recent weeks. Obama was given Secret Service protection last week in part due to threatening messages posted on white supremacist Web sites.
Democracy NOW!Limbaugh just pop some more pills and leave the rest of the world alone. Go ahead, I will give you a whole bottle. You should take them all at once, death works quicker that way.
THE CAT IN THE BOXRobin. Next time we get together to drink we have to talk about this. Just good drinking material.
Amnesty: Native American Women 2.5X More Likely To Be Raped
A new report from Amnesty International has revealed that Native American women are more than two and a half times more likely to be raped or sexually assaulted than women in the United States in general. Studies show that one in three Native American women will be raped during their lifetime. Amnesty said many rape cases are never prosecuted because there is confusion regarding tribal and county jurisdiction. It is estimated that 86 percent of rapes against Native women are committed by non-Native men, but tribal councils have no jurisdiction over non-Native offenders even if the crime takes place on tribal lands.
Democracy NOW!Some forms of warfare live on past all counts of bodies, battles, and bullets.
LOST MY HEADI’m sick. But I got a giggle from picturing someone trying to cut their own head off before I even read the write up about the incident.
SON, YOUR GLOWINGI knew I misplaced something.
NRA Backs Gun Rights for Terrorism Suspects
The National Rifle Association is publicly backing the rights of suspects on terrorism watch lists to be able to buy firearms. The NRA has asked the Bush administration to withdraw its support from a bill that would prohibit arm sales to suspected terrorists. NRA Director Chris Cox criticized the bill saying it "would allow arbitrary denial of Second Amendment rights based on mere "suspicions" of a terrorist threat."
Democracy NOW!Does anyone else picture Moses standing beside Bin Laden?
I give you a good night with
Written at the pay the rent job,
As always if you have any comments you wish to make by e-mail you can contact me by:
If you wish for me to keep your name and information private please let me know so in the e-mail.