Thursday, August 23, 2007


Spending time at the library today working on my resume and reading. Besides reading Infinite Crisis I also picked up some graphic novels which I finished and loved. Lets see if I can do some links to what I read here in blogger. I usually do them in Word first before posting.

The first book was Fun Home by Alison Bechdel and then later I finished off Desolation Jones by Warren Ellis. Two very different but very enjoyable books. I recommend both of them to anyone out there. Both are adult reads so don't fall in the old trap of thinking all comic books are for kids and then come complaining to me if you bought this for your kid and they now know women masterbate and the world is harsh.

Which sort of brings me to the subject of cold family types. As example. A young girl was in the library with a huge stack of books. She was sitting in front of me at another table. By ear dropping as I call it. Most writers I think are pretty nosey because they get ideas from living folks but we just hide it better than people like my mother. While hearing this girld talk to Aunt and Uncle sort of weirded me out. They made her call them that and when the women spoke up to tell the "Uncle" about anything he would say things like, "Don't tell me what to do." or "I already knew that." and it was coming from a pure hatered place. Belive me. I grew up with those tones of speech. The controling nature of some men makes me regret how I was born. Not regert enough to have anything cut off but men are such assholes. Back to the cold family thing that I'm trying to talk about but mostly just blindly rambling through sentences and mis-spelled words. These types of families drive me nuts. My family was and is not perfect but at least it was never this cold. Yes I would have rather we been more close because the only time my family hugged was funerals and weddings but at lease my family showed real emotions towards each other. Cold families created cold children who grow to make the world colder. My family just created two dumb ones and one crazy one who are growing towards nothing. When I'm depressed I think along those lines. Well, the dumb ones comment is always there.

Nothing much else to say now but maybe later. I need to find a job soon because I'm not only going nuts from inactivity but from being too deep within my mind without breaks. Writing and reading and the love of a beatiful woman can save your sanity. I know this for sure.

Remember not knowing who you are is no excuse for not being who you are,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I hate seeing kids with abusive parents. Makes me sick.

Are you calling yourself crazy or dumb? I don't think you are either but I couldn't tell which one you were getting at.