Tuesday, August 14, 2007


So last night I got pulled over again because I still haven’t fixed my back lights on my truck. I know, I know, I know. We picked up new bulbs but that was not it and I have not had the time to pick up the new cover for the passenger side which is totally broken out. More than likely coming from a lot of people who know a lot more about cars than myself it is the fuse. I showed the police lady my fix it ticket from before and my order from the auto parts store and she told me not to drive the truck again until I get everything fixed and let me go. Hey, a nice cop. Is it by chance it was a “nice lady cop” Probably not. Guys are assholes and for the most part male cops even more so. I was lucky I did not get another ticket but I was so stressed when I got home that I did not go to bed until 4am and did not get to sleep until around 5am. After sleep until like 1pm Mar brought me into work but I walked into another shit storm here once again and as I said to Mar, “Am I still not allowed to kill people?”

I am so frustrated at the pay the rent job at the moment which is inspiring some very dark and off the wall weird stories to come out of me. Between working on the 2nd Draft of Stereo last night I also wrote the first draft of a four issue comic series that is set after Stereo and based in the same universe as it is. A sort of bridge between the books in the series. I would not mind doing this with every book in the series if things work out and people like the book thus warranting such things to happen. The artist I talked to about doing this mini series wanted to work on something superheroish in story because he normally does not do that type of artwork but I will have to see if he likes this. It is still superhero but also very “I wonder if he was taking drugs when he wrote this” which I wasn’t but its got lots of sections that fit that line of thinking.

Run across this online today. Dragon Bag.Really cool don’t you think.

Remember not knowing who you are is no excuse for not being who you are,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Very 'I wonder if he was taking drugs when he wrote this.'"

Excellent. Edgar Allan Poe 4-EVA! Hunter S. Thompson? Weren't they all on drugs?

And hey if you're not, you know I will be after editing your stuff. You should just start paying me in tranquilizers...


Wish I could have given you a ride home the other night. The POS is now at your disposal for rides. :)