The Negroni-Hendrick mobile library needs gasoline. I know gas prices are hard on all of us. It is hurting businesses, schools, and just about everyone in one way or another. Recent property tax cut plans though have seriously jeopardized the mobile library’s ability to continue making its appointed rounds to deliver library services to over six thousand disadvantaged children and 15,000 shut in elderly residents of Brevard County. You can help, I would if I had the money, but everyone can help if this issue is important to you, if only by letting others know about it. If that is all you can do then do it. Repost this on your blog if you live in the area. One way of helping is speaking out about how the government has manipulated the people of this state into thinking all tax cuts are good. Another way to help centered on the mobile library is by buying gas.
Keep in mind that those who stand to lose the most if the mobile library no longer exists, those who will miss how much of a gift the library system is in this country, but this point is to this county, are the elderly who are too frail or ill to drive to their local library, the children who simply do not have transportation because there is only one car and the parents work every day nor have the money have bus fare, and the county as a whole because the library system is a point of knowledge that needs to stand strong.
You can help by sponsorship opportunities. If you have the money to spare you could consider supplying the mobile library's fuel for all of 2008 which would be around $3,307.20. I know that is a lot of money in this economy but this would be a great thing also to do for a business. Think, you would have a traveling advertisement for your company showing how much you care about the community.
If you can not make that kind of commitment you could supply fuel for one month which would be $275.60. Man, these gas prices really make me feel old...and I'm not really, shows how fast they have risen in my time driving on the roads.
If the above is still too much, how about buying just one tank of fuel at $69.40. I just got through wasting some money this week and feel really bad. I wish I had some of it back to throw this way.
They would very much appreciate you allowing them to recognize your contributions if you choose to do so by placing posters in the mobile library with your name and the gasoline money you have supplied, whether it was for a week, month, or a year. Although you may not be interested in personal recognition (think business recognition, think a dedication to a relative who has passed) this reminds others that you support the mobile library and we hope it will encourage them to do the same.
To donate please mail your check made payable to:
COCOA, FL 32922
Indicate on your check that the donation is for fuel for the Negroni-Hendrick Mobile Library.
The library system down here over all is under attack with cuts. This is just one example. I am a prime example of how a library can actually save a life. There has to be more out there also.