To another point. Pointing at today. I do not know if this entry will make it onto the web since we are having lots of internet problems at the day job. So if you are reading this good for you but I still can not get online to check on Doctor Who breaking news. Stop calling me a geek Wave, You say it like it is a bad thing. At least I’m a honest geek. Maybe toothless but honest. Oh, go watch SUV!
Ex-Bush Counsel: Congress Can Stop Iraq War
Anti-war momentum gathered steam on Capitol Hill Tuesday with new resolutions and testimony challenging the Bush administration’s plans for Iraq. Appearing before the Senate Judiciary committee, former Bush administration counsel Bradford Berenson said the constitution gives Congress “broad authority” to end the war. Three other constitutional experts gave backing testimony. Republican Senator Arlen Specter challenged President Bush’s recent vow to send more troops to Iraq regardless of what happens in Congress.
Democracy NOW!
Sorry skipped government class my senior year for the most part. Though to me this sounds like we have some big time constitutional battles coming up in the courts and within the country as a whole. Tell me you aren’t, but I think everyone is, watching just for the moment when Mr. President comes out of the White House, walks up to that podium and says, “Who do you people think you are? I‘m the President” And thus we get to see the beginning of what so many countries have went through, a crumbling government.
FBI Surveillance Collects Internet Use in Massive Database
In domestic surveillance news, the FBI appears to have adopted an invasive Internet surveillance technique that collects far more data on innocent Americans than previously disclosed. Cnet News reports that instead of recording only what a particular suspect is doing, agents conducting investigations appear to be assembling data on thousands of Internet users at a time into massive databases. Those databases can then be mined for names, e-mail addresses or keywords.
Democracy NOW!
I wonder if they found all my old Doctor Who fan fiction I wrote on the net back in the old days? Hey, FBI please return to sender. You can keep all my rants that Bush sucks, I would rather live in Canada speeches, and even some of those dirty chats me and Touch use to do online but I would like to have my fan writing returned.
Thank you,
You are a credit to John Edgar Hoover.
Written at the pay the rent job,