Monday, January 8, 2007

EASCALATION, FRUSTRATION, AND MASTER…..that one’s my favorite!

Bush to Call For Escalation of Iraq War
The new U.S. operational commander in Iraq said Sunday that it will take two or three more years for American forces to gain the upper hand in the war – even if President Bush sends in more troops. Lt. General Raymond Odierno's comments come just days before the president is planning to announce a new escalation of the war. The president is expected to give a prime-time speech on Wednesday night and call for 20,000 more troops and the creation of a billion dollar Iraqi jobs program run by the U.S. Army.

What they are basically going on about from what I have read and seen on the televised news is that Bush and his lackeys are basically saying, ‘Lets start over and this time we will get it right, and maybe only have a couple more thousands troops die.’ I have heard the term cluster fuck all my life but not until just now thinking about the Iraq War did I actually truly know what that means. Mr. Bush thanks for screwing generations to come. I really hope there is a Hell just for your sake alone. Your mother should have drowned your ass in the toilet when you were born.

In writing happenings, I am at the point with the short story I have been working on where I think I maybe finished. Though if I could add a couple thousand more words I would be less in the, “It’s a piece of shit” frame of mind and more in the, “It’s just not good” frame of mind. I finished the first real draft over the weekend and gave it back to Wave so she would read it over again and tell me if it totally sucks or not. I think it does but that is just the writers opinion, most of the time that is the worst person to give a opinion on something which has been written.

Spent the weekend sick for the most part. Been feeling really drained of late and yesterday I wanted to go out for KFC and I paid all night for that choice. I am really getting too old I think for all that grease. I got about 2 hours sleep last night and probably 3 more today before work because of that slip and slide chicken skin.

My manager let a couple people go today and I’m all ready short handed on my shift with my best person now only working two days a week while going to college. I’m stuck here until at least 1am tonight trying to get as much out the door as I can. If my 3rd Shift person calls in sick or something I may drink the rest of Wave’s rum when I get home-Which would probably get my ass kicked but if I’m totally down with the rum I may not notice.

Written just as I am getting ready to leave work early sick,

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