Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Listening to Suddenly Everything Has Changed by The Flaming Lips as I set up my report which I have to send out at the end of every night. I sort of cheat and start it early in the night but because every night is basically the same I usually do not need to change every much. I do more cutting and pasting and moving things from working on categories to completed categories and leaving little notes along the way. At times I hear people say I’m really good at getting a lot of things done, I’m just good at finding easier ways of doing things than most would look for. Unless something goes wrong the nightly reports I do are not hard at all actually. But don’t tell any, Ok?
Now the weekly orders completed and such reports I do are another thing. Those are a pain in the ass and as they usually do after every weekly meeting they have me add something to it or make it harder on me. Since I’m so behind in entering my paperwork into the database I am more or less counting up numbers quickly from the hard copies and faking it with charts and such to make it look computer generated. All the data is there but it would have been so much easier if they had just let me start from scratch when it comes to the database at the start of the year but no…NOOO! And now I’m already behind this year. I have not even finished December and I’m getting behind for January. But enough about the day job.

Now listening to Disenchanted by My Chemical Romance while taking a rare lunch break. Lately I have been working through lunch to try and get in more hours at work. There is talk though about making me salaried at work; which, I would not mind that much. I do not mind working extra hours as long as they take care of me in other ways and I think my current company, even though they have their faults, I think they will take care of me. They are not Mcd…Oh, sorry MC. I got them confused with another heartless, bloodthirsty company whom you could not find a set within if you lined up all the men in the company side by side.

Promise not beginning a rant but I think if I ever got close enough to ask the President any questions I would either just shout, “FUCK YOU!” or laugh with tears in my eyes and walk away. Of the same note you might be interested in this from The NATION:
I think one of the largest effects coming from this disaster of a war is not just hatred from abroad for America but the anti-government hatred from within. No longer do the intelligent of us fear attacks like that of Oklahoma City from groups of religious zealots or black helicopter crazies but now I believe the future attacks on American soil may come from the youth, the poor, the pushed into a corner. The problem is Mr. President using the phrasing in the above article is that this may not be terrorism as much as a Civil War. I wonder if your set will admit this one is taking place when it emerges. I really wonder if you know how scared, pissed, ready to push back a lot of Americans really are. You can take peoples rights and freedoms and lead them into death and despair but do not expect them to not notice. Me? I’m crazy to the point of living in a fantasy world most of the time, everyone is safe from me. Except for me.

Written at the pay the rent job,

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