I can hate. So can you. Hate can be very healthy. A good boiling hate with your arms folded and glaring a hole through someone is a good thing. Much better than smiling while it builds from within to the point were your hate becomes action. I think sometimes the biggest motivation in with me in my writing is hate. Don't ask me to explain because it would probably end up turning into some sort of philosophical and phytological study of my thinking process. I have always believed that one of the biggest problems in this world is our blindness to our base levels. Hate, greed, fear, lust, love, anger, and more....all things which help create us, mold us, feed us. When human beings hide from these things they are cutting off roots of growth and everything from within begins to rotten like a trash bag full of last months sausage links. Just thought I would share those thoughts.
Moving on.
I wish to give a shout out to someone I have called
Brave Summers. A old internet friend from back in my on the net 24/7 days. Don't know if you ever visit here Courtney but you are one of the most talented writers I have ever encountered. Your abilities to tell a story have did nothing but grow in what I have read of your work and in that it has been a long time since I have read anything I would say you are probably Ms.Writer Goddess these days. Any success you achieve you deserve. I know one of these days I will be standing in a bookstore pointing to the back of a book saying, "I know her." And people will walk away saying, "Yea, right Brian. Whatever."You are a story teller who I have always thought runs circles around most of the other modern wishing on a star I'm a writer, I'm on the internet writers including myself. I told you a long time ago and you probably do not remember this but I said, "I think when I read something you write the only thing I can say is that young lady writes. Period. Cold, in your face, there is the subject, point, and fact. She can write." Best of luck in this next step in your life.
How about the news?
HAVE DINNER WITH JOSS WHEDONIf only I had of the monies, in my worst impression of Joss Whedon dialogue.
MoCCAI found this way cooler and funnier than I probably should have but I'm a little nuts these days anyways.
McD's and and others show you how much of a pig stuffer you are. Talking to myself there. The diet isn't going so well as you may have guessed.
I want
this, and
this. But not right now. I have my eye on something big for my birthday. It is hard, big, and has the word Absolute on it. No Robbin it is not vodka either. People, please, focus. December will be here soon enough and you need to organize to plan my birthday celebrations.
I love to read anything
Peter David writes about writing.
might like this to see a different approaches and what works and does not work for covers. Robbin, We need a nickname for the boy. Though I think stud is taken.
This sounds really cool. Robb speak in geek to me so I can understand.
I want to try
this.$54 mln lawsuit over trousersStunned by stupidity.
Putting a link here so I will remember to read later.
Attempt to Cut Off Funding to Former School of the Americas Fails
In other news from Capitol Hill, an attempt in the House to close the U.S. military training center once known as the School of the Americas has failed. 42 Democrats joined with Republicans to continue funding the Defense Institute for Hemispheric Security Cooperation. Human rights groups have urged Congress to close the school which has long been linked to human rights atrocities committed in Latin America.
Democracy NOW!Not having the courage to reverse your own actions is one of the grade A signs of being a coward.
Court Rules Against Student in Free Speech Case
The high court ruled on Monday that public schools can prohibit student expression that can be interpreted as advocating drug use. The case centered on a high school student in Alaska who was suspended for holding a sign that read Bong Hits 4 Jesus at a parade during a school trip. In his dissent, John Paul Stevens criticized the majority of the court for inventing out of whole cloth a special First Amendment rule permitting the censorship of any student speech that mentions drugs.
Democracy NOW!Yea. Seem pretty vague to me. And vague in First Amendment cases is really dangerous.
Court Backs Bush's Faith-Based Initiatives Program
In another five to four ruling, the Roberts court handed a victory to President Bush's faith-based initiatives program. The court ruled that ordinary taxpayers cannot challenge the constitutionality of White House efforts to help religious groups obtain government funding for their social programs. In another case that was closely watched by environmental groups, the court ruled that the federal government can avoid its responsibility to protect species under the Endangered Species Act by handing off authority to the states.
Democracy NOW!How do you type a loud gurgling screaming sound because that is what is currently coming from my mouth.
Opium Production Soars in Afghanistan
A new United Nations report has found opium production in Afghanistan has jumped by nearly 50 percent over the past year. Afghanistan now accounts for 92 percent of the world's illicit opium production. Much of the opium is converted into heroin and morphine and distributed around the world.
Democracy NOW!Why do we have to go to other countries for drugs? Buy American!
Insurance Industry Prepares Counteroffensive Against Moore's Sicko
Meanwhile the New York Sun is reporting the insurance and pharmaceutical industries are readying a multifaceted counteroffensive against Michael Moore's new film Sicko. Several think tanks and front groups are being bankrolled to attack Moore's critique of the health care industry. According to the Sun, the groups involved in the campaign include the CATO Institute; the Manhattan Institute; the Galen Institute, Pacific Research Institute; the Heritage Foundation and FreedomWorks, which is run by Former House Republican Majority Leader Dick Armey.
Democracy NOW!Just what Michael Moore. Hate him or like him but he knows how to play the game of media.
Students Criticize Torture in White House Meeting With Bush
Meanwhile protests are continuing over the Bush administration's support for torture. On Monday the president was personally presented a letter signed by 50 high school seniors in the Presidential Scholars program. The letter said: "We do not want America to represent torture. We urge you to do all in your power to stop violations of the human rights of detainees, to cease illegal renditions, and to apply the Geneva Convention to all detainees, including those designated enemy combatants." White House Press Secretary Dana Perino said the president was not expecting the students" letter but read it and then told the students that that United States does not torture and that the country values human rights. Meanwhile protests are taking place today across the country to mark the UN's International Day to Remember the Victims of Torture. In Washington the American Civil Liberties Union is organizing a Day of Action to Restore Law and Justice.
Democracy NOW!I would have liked to have seen that. When you take away justice for any, you take it away from all. I don't know who said that but it just slipped into my mind.
CIA Releases Docs on Spying, Assassination Plots
The CIA has declassified nearly seven hundred pages of documents detailing scores of operations from the 1950s to 1970s. They include the illegal wiretapping of American journalists, extensive surveillance of civil rights and anti-war groups, bugging of political conventions, performing drug tests on US citizens without consent, and plotting to assassinate world leaders. In 1960, the CIA enlisted two mobsters on the FBI’s most-wanted list in an attempt to assassinate Fidel Castro.
Democracy NOW!See. George Bush and his Our Gang are innocent. Our government have always been a bunch of rat bastards.
And if that isn't enough to get you pissed or depressed I don't know what will.
Moving on.
I will be posting a advanced advanced teaser image for the novella on Monday. The completed project will not be out until 08 but we are heading down the stretch with it right now editing and rewriting on the book as well as tie-in projects to it. I have so many cool ideas to add to it that will be appearing here and on other sites so I will keep everyone informed.
Thanks to Robin Bird, Wave, and
Touch for comments. My friends. They comment when no one else cares. Though I am starting to get spam on here so the spam loves me. I just
DON'T LIKE SPAM Sorry, had to do it. Love the subtitles for some reason also.
Remember, Not know how you are is no excuse for not being who you are,