Someone asked me the other day about making blog entries made up of stuff I wrote on Twitter and Facebook, asking like it was a bad thing. It's cross posting but also because the space is limited in those places I've always (when blogging regularly) put the things here in my blog to see if I have anything else to say about them or if I can make the points or random information dumps I puked out more clear but usually the last is just a lost cause.
I was also asked in an email{} if I was no longer posting on my Tumblr? I am, just haven't had time to do it in a while. When I restarted my Tumblr I decided to make it a place where I don't really talk politics or writing much, use it mainly for talking about TV shows, fun events I attended, movies, and video games. It's a escape location but I haven't had the chance to escape there of late. Been too busy to play games or watch stuff that I need to focus on and then write about. I'll be back soon writing about my made up team on Madden and my viewings of Supernatural and other shows soon, probably after the New Year.
The bad things about being sick the past couple days wasn't the puking and such but knowing I was getting behind in things and when I got better I would have to work quick to catch. Though my stomach is still a little ache itch today I needed to catch up on apartment cleaning and also start catching up on my writing schedule. I've found that I can draft write while sick but can't revise or edit in any sort of way.
So after finally getting a good chunk of sleep today I woke up late have my To Do List for today in: sweep, vacuum, clean surfaces in kitchen, clean cat boxes, do dishes, take out garbage, laundry, write up a quick senseless worthless blog entry, watch a couple online videos, make dinner, and write.
Now for some shameless self-promotion.
From the Tin Universe Store:
These are two simple t-shirt designs using both covers for my next book. There are also a lot more Tin Universe materials in that store, many featuring the covers to my new book coming out on the 22nd of this month. It will be available for download on my Smashwords store for $1.00 per download. Like I've said before if you buy something from one of my stories I'll email you a PDF of Tin Universe Middle Grade Series #1 for free. All you need to do is put STORE ORDER RECEIPT in the subject box of an email with a copy of your order confirmation attached and send to
Mildred Betbeze, Tin Universe Middle Grade Series #1
“Zombified people make me itch so I’d rather not touch.”

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