We went to Scott's Maze Adventures on Sunday adventuring. It was a lot of fun, sunshine, and exercise. I did my usual of getting a patch, Mar got a sticker that said "GET LOST", and some corn because she loves corn on the cob.
I Tweeted this while on the drive home from the maze. Me-"That sign said Cornhole Games Next Exit?" Mar-"No."Me-"But?" Mar-"No." Me-"Butt."
For the past few days I'm been sick, sick, and sick, but that has nothing to do with the trip and is because I ate a large ice cream on our way home. My stomach is like a rusted out old bucket and I need to learn there are some things I just can't eat any more.
Even though me and Mar like a lot of the same things we also don't like some the main things the other loved. Some people have told us we should some how fake like the other persons interests. That sounds just stupid and plain imbecilic to me. Also if we had did that we would get moments like the following conversation from the other night. Mar-"How can you not know Orcs and uruk-hai are different?" Me-"How can you not know Daleks were mutated from Kaleds?" That is our relationship in a nutshell.
Or should I have said Thals?
I fail at my fandom.
I'm sick. Praise Davros I recover soon.
After going through that and looking up to see I was right also I looked up Dalek history online and started reading and it gave me a headache.
At least I didn't look up Cybermen history, that will make your ears bleed.
Got the idea for this from Nova Ren Suma, My Top Ten Book Influences...
- Uncanny X-Men {the Claremont years}
- Sandman by Neil Gaiman
- Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy by Douglas Adams
- Transmetropolitan by Warren Ellis
- Sherlock Holmes Sir Arthur Conan Doyle {the complete collection}
- Maus by Art Spiegelman
- Strangers In Paradise by Terry Moore
- Dracula by Bram Stoker
- Frankenstein by Mary Shelly
- Imaginary Girls by Nova Ren Suma
*What are yours?
Now for some shameless self-promotion.
From the Tin Universe Store:
I like both of the covers so I'm putting both on merchandise. The first will be the actual cover to the book and the second will be used as interior art. There are also a lot more Tin Universe materials in that store, many featuring the covers to my new book coming out on the 22nd of this month. It will be available for download on my Smashwords store for $1.00 per download. Like I've said before if you buy something from one of my stories I'll email you a PDF of Tin Universe Middle Grade Series #1 for free. All you need to do is put STORE ORDER RECEIPT in the subject box of an email with a copy of your order confirmation attached and send to hangofwednesday@gmail.com
Mildred Betbeze, Tin Universe Middle Grade Series #1
“Zombified people make me itch so I’d rather not touch.”

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