And that's all I have to say on that.
I've stayed away from getting angry with the news the past few months and it has not only pushed up my creative output but also lowered my blood pressure considerably and it was in very dangerous levels, levels where if I had health insurance or money I'd have been in a hospital. Now the holidays has upped it once again, and this fun time of year tends to do, but I'm not falling back into that trap. I don't have much but I do have better things to do than die in a rage.
Last night I made bacon wrapped chicken breasts and twice cooked baked potatoes for dinner. Good food. After cutting back on news type stress, my next health step is trying to eat better. That's one of my big steps for the new year.
Today while Mar goes off with her family to pick up another of their member for Christmas I'm going to watch episodes from two of my The Avengers sets, The Avengers: 68 and The Best Of The Original Avengers and I suppose I'm going eat something big and fancy like Roman Noodles....yes, I did say Roman Noodles on purpose. Screw you they will always be Roman Noodles to me just the same as it will always be smashed tators or potatoes to me.
After posting this while watching The Avengers I'm going to work on some revisions.
This entry is really short because I need to work on revisions and also being online will just make me angry today.
But short or not...
Now for some shameless self-promotion.
From the Tin Universe Store:
Above is the second poster in a series of inspiration posters I made for myself but also have available for sale. There are also a lot more Tin Universe materials in that store, many featuring the covers to my new book coming out on the 22nd of this month. It will be available for download on my Smashwords store for $1.00 per download. Like I've said before if you buy something from one of my stories I'll email you a PDF of Tin Universe Middle Grade Series #1 for free. All you need to do is put STORE ORDER RECEIPT in the subject box of an email with a copy of your order confirmation attached and send to
If you are interested in being part of the street team to get the word out go here and learn more.
If you are interested in being part of the street team to get the word out go here and learn more.
Mildred Betbeze, Tin Universe Middle Grade Series #1
“Zombified people make me itch so I’d rather not touch.”

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