From Work Whining To Responses To Comments Left:To answer a question that came to me by e-mail. When I search the net for news I tend to do it very quickly cutting and pasting links that catch my thoughts. I only do this for about 20 minutes because most of the time I am doing it while on breaks at work; so, I miss a lot of news. Though if anyone wishes to point out something to me that would be greatly appreciated also. Just leave a comment or throw me an e-mail. (my addy is at the bottom of the entry)
Geek Speak:Jolie 'Wanted' for Universal filmIf they keep for the most part to the books this will be a great movie. But like Watchmen I just do not see it being much of a movie. Some things should just remain how they are born.
Back To Reality:Still do not have the truck situation straightened out. It is driving me a little mad. It has me so frustrated I think I may need to find a job closer to where I live. I can not keep having to rely on my love to give me rides or let me use her car. It’s not fair to her and her life outside of my crazy life. I will call the garage tomorrow and the truck either gets fixed this time to were it is running well or I will have to start looking at other ways of doing things. It is driving me nuts. Maybe I can slowly start to save a little to get me another vehicle but that may take a while. A long while. Still haven’t done my taxes and I know I’m going to be paying this year and I still need dental work done, lots of it; so, I am not going to have much to save for a while to come.
On the novella front. I wrote about 300words last night. Not much but some good writing happen and if I can keep that up every night at least I’m making progress.
And In The News:Bush Says War in Iraq Can Still Be Won
As the Iraq war enters its fifth year, President Bush asked Americans for patience on Monday and claimed the war can still be won. President Bush said withdrawing from Iraq would have devastating consequences.
Democracy NOW!Wait? What’s going on here? I thought we already won? Someone help me I’m all confused????
Halliburton's WreckageIn the years to come I think we will find in this country that those who supposedly are our leaders sold out our futures for their holy dollar. Mine? Not so holy. I don’t even think I have a dollar? Let me check…Yes! One.
MoveOn Criticized For Backing Additional War Funding
On Monday the liberal advocacy group publicly endorsed the Democratic House leadership's bill to approve $100 billion in additional funding for the war. On Thursday, the House is scheduled to vote on the bill that would fund the war for another year on the condition that American troops begin to withdraw by next March. Eli Pariser of MoveOn said, "While this measure doesn't go far enough, they know the choice is a war without end or a safe and responsible end to the war. This measure is an important step in the right direction." Several prominent anti-war advocates have criticized MoveOn for refusing to support the Iraq amendment from Congressional Progressive Caucus leaders Barbara Lee, Lynn Woolsey and Maxine Waters, which calls for "a fully funded, and systematic, withdrawal of U.S. soldiers and military contractors from Iraq" by the end of 2007.
Democracy NOW!Me, I just see us when we do leave Iraq going, “Bye. Best of luck with your country. If things go well you can sale us your oil at cut rate prices or we will not deal with you. Loves and kisses.”
Report: White House Considering Replacements for Alberto Gonzales
The Washington-based website Politico is reporting Republican officials operating at the behest of the White House have begun seeking a possible successor to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. Among the names floated by administration officials are Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, White House anti-terrorism coordinator Frances Townsend, former Deputy Attorney General Larry Thompson and former solicitor general Theodore Olson.
Democracy NOW!Hands for anyone out there that truly thinks it would matter much if they did replace him? Hmm?
Coloring in ObamaIt’s going to be interesting. Obama is not white. (you did notice didn’t you) Hillary is a women. (I wont go there for comment) The rest are sort of untruthful assholes. I do think this maybe the lowest turn out in American Presidential Elections history. This country is way too prejudice, sexist, and just plain stupid to vote honestly and intelligently in this race coming at us and I think they are just going to say fuck it and stay home.
Pentagon Considers Placing Cameras Inside Recruiting Stations
The Boston Globe is reporting the Pentagon is considering installing surveillance cameras in military recruiting stations across the country. The military is also considering a ban on recruiters meeting alone with prospective recruits of the opposite sex. The actions are being taken to address a rise in misconduct allegations against military recruiters — including sexual assaults of female prospects and bending the rules to meet quotas.
Democracy NOW!Or they just want to make sure they are there when the draft is reinstated. Man, I am becoming a conspiracy nut job. Next thing you know I’m going to want to move to Texas…joke.
MySpace Restrictions Upset Some Users The thing that is to happen and mark my words here with MySpace is that it will slowly become just like any other entertainment advertising site. It has happen before with other internet business which were bought after a lot of independent success. Fox will never let MySpace be what it once was and it hardly is now. I would delete mine but I still use it to network with friends. I should probably reopen my Live Journal also?
War Crimes Prosecutor Says Bush & Blair Could Face Charges
The chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court has said President Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair could one day face war crimes charges before the court. Luis Moreno-Ocampo's comments came in an interview with the Sunday Telegraph of London. He urged Arab nations, particularly Iraq, to sign up to the court to enable allegations against the West to be pursued.
Democracy NOW!Like that is ever going to happen. You would have to invade the U.S. or Great Britain before they would turn over a former Prime Minister or President. Hell, Kissinger probably caused more deaths than both of these dicks combined and you don’t see him being dragged out of his home off to court do you?
Ex-Oil Lobbyist Admits Changing Gov't Climate Studies
On Monday a House committee released documents that showed hundreds of instances in which a former oil industry lobbyist edited government climate reports to play up uncertainty of a human role in global warming or play down evidence of such a role. The official -- Philip Cooney -- served as President Bush"s chief of staff of the White House Council On Environmental Quality. Prior to working in the White House, Cooney served as a lobbyist for the American Petroleum Institute, the largest oil lobby based in Washington, D.C. Cooney acknowledged that some of the changes he made were to align the study's with the administration's stated policy” on climate change.
Democracy NOW!You know this is giving me a headache. Are people trying to say our government does not have our best interest at heart?
Grand Canyon glass Skywalk opensI would not walk out on to that platform if Orlando Bloom and Rose Mcgawn were both naked out there waving for me to join them….Ok, I would. But I was be so piss scared.
NASA Official Accuses Bush Administration of Gagging Scientists
At the same Congressional hearing NASA climate scientist James Hansen accused the Bush administration of preventing scientists from freely speaking to the media about global warming.
Democracy NOW!Just tell them they wear poppy diapers in space(or driving in cars) Mr. President! Fucking scientist don’t know their place.
Written at the pay the rent job,
As always if you have any comments you wish to make by e-mail you can contact me by:
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