Friday, March 16, 2007


I’m not going to complain or rant or rave about work because I have a job. For now I have a check coming in to pay my bills. Others are not so lucky. I had to tell someone today they no longer have a job and I feel like shit for it.

From work whining to responses to comments left:

…Not many comments left of late but I do very much appreciate when people do take the time to leave comments or send e-mails.

Geek Speak:

A new trailer for the 3rd season of Doctor Who can be found here. Ever time I watch one of the new trailers I think I see The Sontarans? Am I the only one seeing this? I think I’m just being a geek boy since they are one of my favorite alien races from the old series.

Back To Reality:

Thinking about alternate realities after reading Touch‘s latest Live Journal entry. I think myself I live in several alternate realities daily. Now I do not of course mean literally in alternate realities because though I do believe such things exist and that the paths can cross at times from one to the other, one of my theories for ghosts actually but in this bit of rambling I’m doing now I was speaking of my daily ventures to keep my sanity in take…or what is left of it from melting away like a ice cube in the microwave. I do that sometime just to watch them melt and I can print they are people I hate turned into ice, ‘Melt you bastard, melt!’

I have the reality of work which is sort of like being a night watchmen at the gates of Hell, with me having to take up my duties in my little night watchmen building on the side of Hell that is just a tad bit nastier than the other side but in smaller but meaner ways than the other side which is all fire, brimstone, and assholes who think they can push anyone around, anyway they wish. I grind my teeth, put up with the smells, try not to think of it much when at home and take every opportunity to ignore its existence as I have to be a part of it.

Then we come to the reality of my writing. To me everything I am currently writing and have written exists real to me as if books on a shelf. Publishing my work has never been as important to me as the writing itself. I have done did mock interviews in my head(yes talking to myself) about stories or books or whatever to help me get my head better around what I’m trying to say with the writing. I seriously do not think if anything of mine ever finds its way into print that it will be this Earth shattering thing to me because the writing I have done, all the piles of notebooks and computer files are real. Their worlds, the lives of those characters are real to me and they live with me every day…Fuck, what am I saying. If some publisher were to buy something I wrote and planned to publish it, really…in print, I would grab Wave and scream something along the lines of some line of communication thought long dead but in that tongue I would be yelling in extreme excitement. Then compose myself and wonder if someone was playing a joke on me

Another reality I live in is the one when I’m around my love. Not to be Hallmarkey here because the greeting card industry in my view is part of the great Satan’s plan to take over the world. His bibles are the greeting cards and his army are Peeps. My love keeps me calm. Now its hard to explain but I don’t completely mean in the physical or mental sense but in the I am able to be myself around her like I have not been maybe to do around no one else in my life. I’m goofy, serious, joyful, tearful, and just me when she is around. Thus I’m that way when our friends are around also. So basically any way I act is her fault! J

I also need a reality of escape. I say storytelling is truly for this at its hearts. Not that any other genre or object of storytelling is lesser than a good episode of The Three Stooges but it really pisses me off when people attack action movies, or comedies with the slight that they are just for entertainment. No shit. It is why I watch pro-wrestling and don‘t apologize for it. Someone a long time ago said entertainers allow people to escape from their worries for a little time out of the day. That’s a great thing. Take for example my current life. I get off work late. I sleep until late in the day. Shower (from time to time.) And then go to work. After work there is a little, maybe two hour period, depending on how tired I am before I go into the bedroom to lay next to the women I love when I escape from the rest of the world. I read or watch shows like Inuysia or Futurma. That is my time to escape.

Those are my realities. Deal with them. I have to and that is how I get along with the world. We argue a lot other wise. Those things help… and being a smart ass with real New stories like below.

And In The News:

Rove, Gonzales Discussed Attorney Firings in Jan. ‘05
New evidence continues to emerge further implicating the White House in what has been called the politically-motivated firing of eight U.S. attorneys. On Thursday, ABC News revealed previously undisclosed emails showing presidential advisor Karl Rove and Attorney General Alberto Gonzales directly engaged in the process to force out the prosecutors as early as January of 2005. In one email, former aide Kyle Sampson says he and Gonzales spoke about replacing up to one-fifth of the ninety-three US attorneys.Sampson added they had discussed retaining “[those who] are doing a great job [and] are loyal Bushies.” In another message, Sampson wrote: “Due to the history, it would certainly send ripples through the U.S. attorney community if we told folks they got one term only... That said, if Karl thinks there would be political will to do it, then so do I.” Another email from a White House aide reveals Rove requested in-depth updates on the ongoing discussions over whether to fire the attorneys. The White House immediately backed away from its previous claim former counsel Harriet Miers initiated a plan to dismiss all 93 US attorneys. In a statement, the Justice Department said Gonzales “has no recollection” of discussing the firing of US attorneys while he was White House counsel. The disclosures have given new momentum to calls for Gonzales’s removal. Senator Chuck Schumer of New York said: “The odds are very high that he will no longer be the attorney general.”
The Doom Party
No recollection? That’s like the modern political defense for anything. “No sir. I do not recall if I woke up this morning so I could still be asleep and thus have no means by your hands or that of anyone else’s to tell me whether I am awake or not.’ Rove and Gonzales? The Bush Whitehouse is beginning to resemble The Legion Of Doom with those two being bit villains who said at the end of that half circle desk in The Hall Of Doom. By the way if you got that reference you are not only a geek but your old like me.

Report: Gonzales Advised Bush on Blocking Wiretap Probe
As Gonzales continues to take heat over the attorney firings, a new controversy is emerging over his role in the administration’s handling of a Justice Department probe into the warrantless domestic spy program. Investigative journalist Murray Waas is reporting Gonzales advised President Bush on whether to shut down the inquiry shortly after he learnt his own behavior would likely be examined in the investigation. It is unclear what Gonzales advised, but President Bush took action to effectively sideline the case. Insiders say the blocked inquiry would have likely focused on Gonzales’s own role in authorizing the eavesdropping program while he served as White House counsel.
him again
Alberto. Man you are in two pieces straight on Democracy Now. Dude, you’re the shit!

4-Year Anniversary of Rachel Corrie Killing
And finally today is also the fourth anniversary of the death of Rachel Corrie. On March 16, 2003, an Israeli military bulldozer crushed Corrie to death as she tried to stop the demolition of the home of a Palestinian doctor in the Gaza town of Rafah. Eyewitnesses said Rachel was standing directly in the path of the bulldozer holding a megaphone and wearing a fluorescent jacket. She was 23 years old.
What did you do at 23?

Shooting his mouth off
I found this to be interesting.

That is it for tonight. Hopefully I will be back to regular updates next week. Everyone go have fun this weekend. Have lots of sex and consume large quality of things that make you dance in front of others.

Written at the pay the rent job,

And as always if you wish to send me any sort of comments or the like privately my e-mail addy is:
If you do not wish for me to print your name or any portion of your letter please let me know.


Anonymous said...


Just thought I should say hello seeing as I have made a habit of dropping by since I noticed you had left a link for me (and I must admit to the tardiness of not checking that guestbook regularly at all ! the product of having an infrequently updated domain (but I couldn't not take ownership of my name when it became available!). I've enjoyed reconnecting with your writings and your opinions - I've always admired your willingness to put your thoughts out in the world and to stand by them. I've noted that you reference Democracy Now! frequently - just wondered if you read The Nation much - I recently subscribed to the print version but there's plenty available free online.

Hope you're doing well.

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

We should look for new jobs together.