10 Arrested in Peace Protest At Sen. McCain's Office
On Capitol Hill, ten peace activists were arrested on Monday after occupying the offices of Senator John McCain of Arizona. The activists tried to meet with one of McCain's aides but were denied. The activists sang the names of seventy-five service members from Arizona who have died in Iraq. The action was part of the newly launched Occupation Project. Activists plan to occupy the offices of lawmakers who refuse to pledge to vote against additional war funding.
Democracy NOW!Sounds like good old fashion shouting to me. I like. What we should do is kick some of them out of those offices and claim what is rightfully ours. Sound racial? Think about the true state of this country.
Dalai Lama To Become Professor at Emory
In education news, Emory University in Georgia has announced that the Dalai Lama will be become a distinguished professor at the school. Over the weekend the Tibetan spiritual leader spoke at a three-day international symposium on Buddhism in India.
Democracy NOW!Want to put money down on how long it will take some group to try and stop him from teaching? Wonder also if he will turn into a Braves fan. Anyone with sense should be.
Abstinence-OnlyMasturbation only? Yea, that may work but how much more money has to be spent before stupid people see how thick their logic really is?
Astronaut's starThe very first thought that came into my head was imagining some bad B-Movie with this very plot line. Someone please write it, that would be cool.
Lately I have not had much of a chance to work on any writing with the day job poking me in the eyes just about 24/7 {and no I did not do it on purpose… Honest }
I got the idea last week for a PDF project to re-launch my mailing list and lined up one talent for it but now I need to work on getting other friends to come on board for something that will pay nothing and only probably do me any good.
A friend
here and fellow slave to the Muses has talked to me about writing in a blog and having something to say and you know the melodramic ways writers sometimes talk about writing when they should just be writing. As I should follow that course and so should anyone else but what Touch was talking about in writer’s block got me thinking.
See I never get writer’s block. What I get attack by is more of a sense of drowning in ideas but never blocked away from them. As for writing in a blog or journal or the like? I could write daily or several times several times a day because I’m just a opinioned son of a bitch who could rambling on for hours and say nothing. Must be those years of studying Philosophy?
I do this blog for a few reasons as I have spoke in the past about. I do it mostly to keep myself writing during the times when I can not find time to do proper sit down and think writing. Though I am constantly working on stories in my head or writing down little bits on little pieces of paper. Ask Wave. Mounds of it fill the apartment’s bedroom. This blog helps feed The Muses. Hungry winches they are.
I also do this blog to keep in touch with friends who either do not live anywhere near me or maybe also do not fully know me that well and I wish to give a little more into our friendships. This is to friends I know and also to those I have not meet yet.
But the ultimate reason I do this blog and the reason I can write daily in it and attract the hordes of people who visit {Hey, I got a huge European following. And for some strange reason people from locations I have never heard of keep visiting. That’s just cool I think }I write this in the vain, egotistical way most writers professional or just hacking away write anything. With a hope that someone reads something they wrote, typed, spoke out loud and it means something to someone besides themselves.
Written at the pay the rent job,
John McCain, Dalai Lama, Buddhism, Masturbation, Abstinence Only, The Middle East, Wave, Touch, Philosophy, Muses, Writing